
Learn Finance Online Personal Finance Course

It has never been easier to be financially wealthy, but at the same time, it has become incredibly complicated. The game has changed, but we can show you how to play.

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Debt ceilings and defaults

Welcome to Finance and Fury. Debt ceilings, at the moment there are many media pundits warning about the US defaulting on their debt and the fallout that would follow, being a complete economic meltdown. We are going to do a deeper dive into this in today’s episode....

The French Revolution to Marx

Welcome to Finance and Fury. If you are up for learning about history a little bit of often skipped over– tune in – this episode is about how reforms for economic liberalism, turned into authoritarianism, but gave the rise to the thought experiment of communism,...

Are banks doing more harm than good?

Welcome to Finance and Fury. Recent issues with banks has once again highlighted the fragility with the financial sector and the impact this can have on financial markets, the economy and daily lives – these failures have come from the smaller bank sectors and their...

Regulations and the war on drugs

Welcome to Finance and Fury. Do regulations solve any problems? To explore this concept, we will be looking specifically at drug regulations – because if the answer was yes, regulations would solve the problems of society and have the intended outcome of creating a...

How to negate Central Banks negative effects in your own life

Welcome to Finance and Fury. There will be two parts to this episode. Firstly, do we even need Central banks and what is an alternative, then secondly, as they are probably not going anywhere anytime soon, how to negate their negative effects on your own life. If you...

A case for abolishing Central Banks

Welcome to Finance and Fury. This episode is exploring the idea that abolishing central banks in their current form would be better for you and I. Now I am fully aware that CBs like the Fed and RBA won’t be abolished anytime soon, modern financial system is too deep...

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