Welcome to Finance and Fury, the Furious Friday edition

Today is a Bonus episode on most recent series – Current events unfolding – Extinction Rebellion –

Today focus more on the economy – Talk about How eco-warriors will collapse the economy – a self-fulfilling prophecy

  1. If you have friends who are protesting – share this episode – don’t mean to be offensive but they are being used as pawns – being manipulated by the industries/corporates who are going to profit from their activity
  2. Ironically – Serving the very people the same people were protesting against in the occupy movement – the elite banking groups – they are going to benefit from their eco-activism – while the overall economy struggles
    1. Art of War – Controlled opposition – gone through it but Environmental activism/societies originally funded by the Dutch Royals (Shell Oil), British Royals (BP), M Strong (Canadian Oil Billionaire), backed by Standard Oil (Rockefellers) – why would the oligarch’s band together to put themselves out of business?
      1. Control your opposition – you create a paper tiger to push the narrative in your direction
      2. Most have divested from oil and are in solar/wind and making a killing of tax-funded subsidies
    2. Sciences used for their purposes – like peak oil predictions in the late 50s – Marion Hubbert was a geologist paid by shell – world was running out of oil and would be empty – more oil now than ever – but created artificial scarcity at the time – prices for oil went up


Extinction rebellion – doesn’t have anything to do with climate change – not my words –  

  1. Co-founder – Extinction rebellion is not about the climate – it is about dismantling White European civilisations, ending the patriarchy and demolishing the heteronormativity (that heterosexual relationships are normal)
  2. What is it all about? The Founder – “we are going to force the Governments to act, and is they don’t, we will bring them down and create a democracy fit for purpose, and yes, some may die in the process”


The thing is – the demands are so extreme that we can’t achieve them

– no more plane flights, be 100% renewable with 0 CO2 emissions by 2050 – well, we exhale out CO2 greater than the intake of breath – over 3bn tons of CO2 a year – estimate for us breathing

  1. Can’t be achieved – so it comes down to overthrowing governments and western civilisation
  2. Phycological effect from bombardment of the ‘day after tomorrow’ event predictions – Eco-anxiety – yet 100 years ago 500k people killed by weather-related events each year, today 20k p.a. = 96% reduction – yet more anxiety due to availability heuristics – more something is mentioned, we think that they are very common
    1. It is sad to see – people being be petrified by the fear of the end of the world – why have kids or do anything productive then? You put all energy into protesting for climate rather than building something yourself
  3. But the Science is settled – need 0 emissions by 2050 to avoid climate catastrophe – even though climate gate scandal shows that scientists are changing the data to hide cooling temperatures –
    1. let’s say the science is settled – then no need to fund climate scientists anymore?
    2. Would there be any disagreement at that suggestion – why is more money is needed – even though the science is settled


People protesting – Disrupting economic activity – putting the working class people out of work and business

  1. France and Holland are having protests for climate taxes and environmental regulation on agriculture
    1. Yet we have people protesting for the opposite – more taxes and regulations
  2. Hypocrisy – we are all hypocrites – but blocking roads to save people is killing people – making doctors late to work to save lives – few friends working in hospitals telling me about being understaffed and surgeons being late to perform emergency procedures
    1. When you see them with yoga mats next time – remember they are petroleum-based – like most plastics
  3. Economically – makes people late to work – blocks services, actually has the potential to kill people – emergency services
    1. Yet police are not allowed to just lay a few riot hoses/dogs onto them – so they have to stand by and protect the rights of those breaking the law – infringing on the rights of those paying the Newstart allowances of those protesting
    2. Also – major economic effects of having a criminal record – employer sees you have gone to court 11 times – remove their ability to earn income
  4. UBI is the only way they can make a living then – hence the calls for more Government – to solve their created problems


Beyond UBI – More Gov and Carbon policy creates another indirect method of extraction on the population

– higher taxes via price increases of energy and goods/services

  1. Tax on carbon = higher prices to you and businesses, which is a higher price needed to be charged on goods and services due to pass on costs of higher input costs – has a flow-on effect, while a marginal increase at one level, has its own form of multiplier effect


Massive financial scam – also being pushed by the massive companies or billionaires to financially benefit from it

  1. Financial banks own the carbon trading mechanisms –
    1. Economist Craig Mellow “the combination of global warming and growing environmental consciousness is creating a potentially huge market in the trading of pollution emission credits”
    2. Blackrock Capital – the climate finance partnership – mobilising institutional investments – HSBC, JPMorgan Chase and Citi bank – going to make commissions and margins for trading carbon credits
  2. It will take around $6 trillion every year to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – a universal call to action to end poverty and protect the planet.   
  3. Investment in sustainable, climate-resilient infrastructure is arguably the single best way to achieve the SDGs.  The lion’s share of this is needed in developing countries. 
  4. The Business Commission estimates a $12 trillion economic opportunity for the private sector over the next 10 to 15 years.  
  5. Blended finance taskforce – set up to mobilise private capital for the Sustainable Development Goals – 50 massive companies – Allianz, AXA, Citi, HSBC, JP, Rockefeller, – Profits to be had in climate-related sector
    1. Rothschild Australia and E3 launch carbon credit investment fund
    2. Are you aware that Rothschild’s bought weather stations? Quote: “Evelyn de Rothschild and Lynn Forester de Rothschild said they are buying a majority stake in weather-data service Weather Central – investments into media and information.” – Makes it hard to trust information when those presenting it benefit from a ‘global warming narrative’
    3. Look at ABC (in USA) – published video of the Syrian/Turkish conflict showing a civilian city under heavy fire – turns out it was a video from Kentucky shooting rage – military demonstration in 2017 – constantly lying to push their owner’s narratives – pro war to pro global warming
  6. Prime example – look at the connectivity of this scam – same individuals go from banking, mining, science, mining and banking, government – jumping across all areas
    1. Megan Clark – Director of Rothschild Australia while being a VP with BHP between 2003 to 2008.
      1. 2009 – 2014 Chief executive of CSIRO (where climate evidence comes from)
      2. 2014 – non-exec director of Rio Tinto – Sustainability and remuneration committee from May 2016 –
    2. Why banks, science organisations, mining companies all lineup – all have something to gain from this


The form of the scam – What have these people been pushing

– similar to the IMF – Carbon credits – latest fiscal monitor published on Friday calls on governments to introduce a carbon tax to “discourage carbon emissions from coal and other polluting fossil fuels”.

  1. IMF says to limit global warming to 2°C or less, developed countries need to take action by introducing a carbon tax of $US75 a tonne in 2030.
  2. but IMF thinks that it would not be enough for Australia to meet its Paris emissions reduction targets
    1. Our economy is heavily reliant on coal-fired power – so even taxing a very coal reliant country won’t hit our 45% pp reduction
    2. IMF’s proposed carbon tax of $US75 by 2030 – hurt the average person massively – based on current levels = push up the price of coal by 263%, natural gas by 44%, 75% for electricity and 15% for petrol
      1. Fuel of $2 per litre and almost double electricity bills = yellow vest protests – but as ineffective due to militarised police capabilities
  3. What are other options? policies to reduce emissions such as direct government action and regulations
    1. But the IMF says that this would be more expensive and less effective in cutting emissions compared to taxing
    2. IMF says global warming has become a “clear and present threat” and actions from governments and business around the world to date are falling short
    3. Question – why is the IMF getting involved in climate change? Maybe have to benefit?
  4. But it admits that in fossil-fuel rich countries including Australia, that price would not be enough to meet the federal government’s commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 26–28 percent below 2005 levels by 2030.
    1. “Governments will need to increase the price of carbon emissions to give people and firms incentives to reduce energy use and shift to clean energy sources.” – Make energy more expensive –
    2. “Carbon taxes are the most powerful and efficient tools, but only if they are implemented in a fair and growth-friendly way.
    3. “Whereas a $25 a ton price would be more than enough for some countries (for example, China, India, and Russia) to meet their Paris Agreement pledges, in other cases (for example, Australia and Canada) even the $75 a ton carbon tax falls short,” the IMF notes.” – What? Yes we are PP large polluters – but tiny fraction of CO2 emissions – so massive hit to us for no real reduction in global CO2
  5. Businesses such as BHP and energy companies want a carbon pricing –
    1. They say in order to give investment certainty – but they won’t cop the costs, pass on in pricing to you
    2. actual carbon prices worldwide average about $8 per ton, according to the OECD – So we pay $75 more
    3. Also- talks of policy – proposes using revenue generated by the tax in wealthy G20 nations to lower income taxes, “reduce fiscal deficits, or pay an equal dividend to the whole population” – But just a promise –


Summary – Protests are being used for the Blended Finance Taskforce to shut down the economy and siphon money

  1. Useful idiots being used by large companies to push their money-making agenda – crash the economy in the process
    1. Through economic distribution, sky rocking energy prices, costs of goods – we are currently not in a good sate for the economy
  2. The overall economy crashes while banks make billions from carbon credits – controlled opposition helping out
  3. TBTF – banks will get the bailouts and bail-ins – if system crashes banks won’t really suffer long term
    1. But you and I will – so to all the people out there protesting –
  4. Instead of protecting – and study engineering, or something practical to help the problem of pollution – stop blocking traffic and busses which leads to more CO2, stop blocking trains – the cleanest form of mass transportation


Thanks for listening, if you want to get in contact you can here



Rothschild: www.freestatevoice.com.au/politics/item/768-rothschild-australia-behind-the-push-for-carbon-trading


Are you aware that Rothschild’s bought weather stations? An article from the respected Wall Street Journal:

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