Welcome Finance and Fury the Furious Friday edition, and welcome to part 2 of talking about the risks and the future of our economy

In the last episode, we covered the future of our economy

In this episode, we will explore economic subversion and internal reliance (threats from inside and out)

The major points addressed are:

  • What is subversion? Why is this done? Who can we learn more from?
  • Who is Yuri Bezmenov?
  • What is demoralization? Why does it take so long? What does the process involved?
  • How is the media involved? What is ideological brainwashing? What is cognitive dissonance?
  • How has good and evil been redefined as rich and poor? What level of wealth is seen as immoral?
  • Is tax an effective behaviour changing factor?
  • How does this affect children? How do they learn to consider other people’s needs?
  • How do we nurture resilience?
  • What issues does the destabilisation of institutions create?
  • What takes away the initiative and responsibility of individuals?
  • What do unqualified politicians do for the government power structure?
  • What does the welfare system do for the population?
  • What are the biggest issues for Australians?
  • How does the government act as a moral dividing line?
  • What does normalisation look like? What does society eventually look like?
  • Why is it ok to vilify small business owners? Why remove the incentive?
  • What should you prioritise? Freedom or free stuff?

Share this episode with your friends. Show them the effects of the wish for a socialist state.

If you like this episode or if you didn’t feel free to let us know on the contact page here.


Yuri Bezmenov Interview:


Social Welfare and Ponzi Schemes:


Taking control of your money:


Government Spending breakdown:


Roy Morgan Research links:

2018 – http://www.roymorgan.com/findings/7504-most-important-problems-australia-the-world-february-2018-201803051043

2017 – http://www.roymorgan.com/findings/7249-most-important-problems-facing-australia-the-world-may-2017-201706231630

Concerns by voting – http://www.roymorgan.com/findings/7424-economic-issues-facing-australia-verbatims-march-2018-201804060723



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