Furious Friday

Is it okay to be white, or not?

Going to say it: Might be controversial – ‘But is it okay to be white’?

If you have seen – Pauline Hanson proposed an “It’s OK to be white” motion in the Australian

  • “Deplorable rise of anti-white racism and attacks on Western civilization”.
  • It was defeated 31-28 by opponents who called it a racist slogan from the white supremacist movement.

Today I want to go through this in detail and look at the longer-term economic impacts – and it will have to do less with race than you think.

Where does the story of neo-Nazis being behind this come from?

  1. Media claims it is from David Lane – American Neo-Nazi – Said to come from his “14 words” statement
    1. ‘We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.’
    2. I did a fair amount of reading on his other work and couldn’t find anywhere ‘it’s okay to be white’
    3. The “14 words” statement is clearly not the same thing
  2. So, where does it come from?
    1. It’s OK to be white (IOTBW) is a slogan from 4chan in 2017 – self-proclaimed ‘shit posters’
    2. They did it as a “proof of concept” that a “harmless message” would cause a “massive media shit storm”
    3. Did they succeed? I’d say they did succeed as it is not a statement oppressing any group of people.
    4. It proves racism in the media
  3. Why is it not okay to say it?
    1. A narrative has formed. It is easy to label someone as something – they can defend that they’re not.
    2. You can’t prove a negative – If someone says you are racist, sexist, or a homophobe it’s impossible. For example – if someone calls me a homophobe how would I prove I’m not? Two of my best friends are dudes who are married to each other. When you’re on the defensive though, it can just dig a further hole

Social System is made up of Socio-Cultural, Economic, and Governmental systems, each interacting with one another.


  • A sociocultural system is a “human population viewed in its ecological context and as one of the many subsystems of a larger ecological system”. The term “sociocultural system” embraces three concepts: society, culture, and system.
  • Media, Hollywood and narrative, “Evil, white men”
    • For example, I have seen many Arnold, Stallone, etc action movies … the terrorists in them are always white.
  • Not wanting to offend leads to “political correctness” (PC)
    • PC can lead to society breaking down
  • In response to this an opinion piece satirising how hard it is to be a white man – by a white man
    • Richard Glover – SMH
    • It’s not only Senator Hanson. The whole Parliament has long realised there’s a role for positive discrimination: rules designed to give “a hand up” to those who are doing it tough.
    • In our case: the negative gearing laws, the capital gains discount, the franking credit system, the family trust laws and the salary-sacrifice provisions within Australian superannuation.
    • Some say, “where’s the fairness in a program that can only be accessed by one segment of society”, but that’s to ignore the special problems faced by people who are right here, living among you.
    • Frankly, if you didn’t grow up white and rich, it’s hard to understand. You may have to check your lack of privilege.
    • What he is doing, is associating white with wealth – Why? Well, we will come back to this

I have a theory on why this might be occurring – well not mine, but Robert Johnson who analysed Jung

  • Conscious – the ego represents the conscious mind as it comprises the thoughts, memories, and emotions a person is aware of. The ego is largely responsible for feelings of identity and continuity.
  • Subconscious
    • Personal unconscious is essentially the same as Freud’s version of the unconscious. The personal unconscious contains temporarily forgotten information and well as repressed memories
    • Collective (or transpersonal) unconscious.
      • According to Jung, the human mind has innate characteristics “imprinted” on it as a result of evolution.
      • Examples – Fear of the dark, or of snakes and spiders might be examples, and it is interesting that this idea has recently been revived in the theory of prepared conditioning.
      • Why we resonate to a good story – “The Hero’s Journey” where we start off on a journey, overcome the dark, etc. All parts of the personality, as we all have the capacity for evil.
    • When you suppress the collective unconscious, this creates an “Ego Split”
      • When an ego split occurs, you project everything about it on others
      • Rich vs poor – Projection of “having money is bad”


  • Each society needs some system
  • Ancients – Barter system – mostly peasants – couldn’t accumulate much due to moving around
  • Medieval – Coin/markets – settled – this created a nobility and large lower class
  • Today it’s much more complex – No class structure and easier to accumulate resources than ever. Plus, there is a lot more people.
    • This leads to a greater variant of inequality, plus, they actually measure it now for the first time


  • Government needs legitimacy to operate – Democracy through voting in – So cater to the socio-cultural and you can win
  • Power base – tools of extraction
  • From who do they extract? The ones the socio-culture has demonised
  • “Inequality” gives power – not to the people, but to the government to redistribute wealth as they see fit.

Let’s talk about the Government voting on ‘It’s okay to be White’

  1. Why is there such controversy? Especially from the majority of white politicians, and in a majority white country?
    • Socialist takeover 101: Demonise the group you are going to extract from, mobilise the masses and legitimise your authority to extract the resources from those that they’ve demonised.
    • Socialist policy – Makes it okay to take stuff from then if they aren’t human or are “bad”
      • This is what I was talking about last Friday – using some groups and advantaging other groups.
    • Who has done this throughout history? Every socialist government before and during they take over
    • Examples: They each have their own groups who are painted as the enemy
      • Hitler – Germany; Holocaust – 6m dead (National Socialist)
      • Lenin & Stalin – Russia; Bourgeoisie (anyone with money) 20m-60m dead
      • Pal Pot – Cambodia; 2m dead – most of the victims of the Khmer Rouge regime were not ethnic minorities but ethnic Khmer. Professionals, such as doctors, lawyers and teachers, were also targeted. According to Robert D. Kaplan, “eyeglasses were as deadly as the yellow star” as they were seen as a sign of intellectualism.
      • Mao – China; 65m – 75m dead – singled out nine categories of enemies: landlords, rich peasants, counter-revolutionaries, bad elements, rightists, traitors, foreign agents, capitalist and intellectuals.
        • “Across China teachers, former landlords and intellectuals were being humiliated, beaten and murdered. They were hounded by neighbours, colleagues and pupils moved by misguided revolutionary fervour, personal grudges or little more than whim.
        • Many hostile acts were taken by attackers seeking revenge, avenging a grudge or acting out of jealousy. People could make trouble for neighbours they resented for some reason or another by spreading rumours about them. If someone was jealous about another’s Flying Pigeon bicycle he could make a few comments about “bourgeois tendencies” to local units of Red Guards
        • All follow a similar playbook… and target group – those “with” something
  2. How do you extract things from people…By Force! And by playing on human emotions
    • Guilt – White guilt/privilege
      • Paint a narrative – Privileged – having special rights, advantages, or immunity
      • It is about shame and guilt
      • People won’t fight back if they think that they shouldn’t keep what they earn
    • Fear – Repercussions
      • Social mobs – getting labelled – online mob hate groups
      • Government – Not paying taxes = Wesley Snipes in the USA
    • Greed – This is what drives people to action as well
  3. The extraction comes in the form of taxation – Wealth distribution at first
    • Extreme examples – When socialists come in they just take your physical things too
    • Democracy – Fear or Guilt

What can be done to solve this?

  1. Simple – don’t back down in fear of being labelled – tool of the mob for conformity in ideas
    • Irony – They want diversity but not diversity of thought
    • Don’t be guilt-ed into thinking differently
    • Avoid self-censorship
  2. Remember – Everyone in Australia is privileged
    • Ever been to a 3rd world country?
    • Once you see these countries, you realise that what we have is amazing
    • The poorest people in the world live in regions where there is no means of owning (or protecting) private property. Ironically, socialism is based on removing private property rights.
  3. We aren’t monoliths. You shouldn’t be defined by your race. I find it racist (by definition) to prevented from being able to say “It’s okay to be white”
    • It doesn’t matter what skin colour you are, everyone gets hated on and everyone can be the victim
    • What you do defines you, if you are only looking for ways that you are victimised, that is all you will see
  4. Be happy with what you have – or if you aren’t, work towards a situation that you will be happy with
    • Personal freedom – Financial independence and working hard to get there
    • More people who can become self-sufficient there is less of the population who would vote to take things away from others
    • Like many mismanaged countries – collapsing on ourselves like a dying star

Thanks for listening – Sorry for the tangent – If you have a question or want to know more about any of the topics we discuss, get in touch via our contact page

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