Welcome to Finance and Fury Today we have Jayden here, and we will be talking about using your home for as an investment and as a forced savings account. You can start turning the bad debt into good debt. Through paying down the loan quicker, and then redrawing on the equity. You can save interest along the way and the redraw for investment is now deductible.

What is home equity?

  • Simply put, it’s the difference between the value of your home and the value of your home loan
  • But you can’t borrow all of the equity in the property
  • If the value of your property increases so does your equity

How to create home equity faster?

  • Get another bank valuation, sometimes the valuers themselves put value in different things.
    • Bank valuations and market valuations are different
  • Get a shorter loan term, creating some forced savings
    • There are larger monthly repayments for a shorter mortgage term
    • You end up paying less interest with a shorter mortgage term
    • See table below assuming a loan of 450k with 4% p.a.
Changing your home loan's term
  • Fix up your property
    • They are comparing your home to other homes in the area. Simple renovations can add a lot of value.
    • Make sure your renovation plan has council approval
  • Pay more on your repayments
    • Over the life of your loan, you can save thousands in interest
    • Switch to fortnightly or weekly repayments
    • Small extra amounts periodically make a huge difference over time
    • See table below assuming a loan of 450k with 4% p.a.
Making additional repayments on your home loan
  • Use your bonuses and tax refunds
    • Using lump sums as they hit your account and put them into your offset account or home loan
    • This will reduce your loan principal
  • Use one partner’s income
    • Living on 1 partner’s income, and dedicating the other person’s entire income to paying down the home loan
    • You may need to cut back on spending and have a reasonable budget
    • A young couple looking to start a family in the next few years


  • Forced savings for yourself and turning the debt into something to be used for investments
    • The ability to saving cash and reduce your repayments
    • Also paying down debt to refinance for deductible debt
  • The risk is that you may not get the home valuation you were looking for
Thanks for listening today. If you want to get in touch you can on the contact page here. Visit https://financeandfury.com.au/ Other links: Guide to Maternity leave –  https://financeandfury.com.au/baby-on-board-the-ultimate-guide-to-maternity-leave/ Check out our Workbook resources – https://financeandfury.com.au/resources/ Want to learn more about finance? Check out the course! https://learnfinance.com.au/personal-finance-course/

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