Welcome to Finance and Fury, the Furious Friday edition
Last week: Being grateful for what we have, where Australia started and where we have come
- Luck truly running out
- How it can be manipulated
What is luck?
- Success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one’s own actions’
- The saying that ‘we make our own luck’
- What are the outcomes of being lucky?
- The difference between success and failure
- If you were born in a Western Country, you were born lucky
- We have a great upwards mobility of wealth
- The real luck is being given the ability of choice
- Have a look at the freedom indexes, they show higher levels of quality of life
- Where does freedom come from?
There is a very strong correlation between free nations (economically and legally) and prosperity/quality of life
What exactly makes a nation free, and gives the population every opportunity to build their own success instead of luck?
I have been getting into the key figures in the Founding Fathers
- Not often do you get to see the people stand up to a governing system and establish their own
- Happened in Rome in 509 BC
- 13 colonies voted to join forces against King George
- In 1787 they formed the ‘constitutional Federal Republic’ not a democracy
- Dictatorial powers, what are they?
- Freedom from tyranny – sunlight is the best disinfectant
- Should we ban people from speaking because some people find it offensive?
- You can have pure garbage or allow expressing legitimate issues for people
- The second amendment – a well-regulated Militia and the right of people to bear arms
- Jurisprudence is the context along with the amendment or law
Australia the Federal Parliamentary Constitutional monarchy
- Not a true democracy either
- There are 2 types: the direct democracy and the representative democracy
- We are a constitutional monarchy
- The governor general answers to the Queen
- Australia ranks high on the freedom index – but retaining this is up to us
- The US started free however it has dropped massively
- The supply of money has a big influence over our life and we don’t vote for the members of the RBA
From an ABC article
- Link to the article here
- People were surprised where they sat for income or wealth compared to the average
- Issues from the control of information from the government or media
- When censorship is legislated from the government it leads to corruption
- Australia has 180 bits of legislation passed every year, can you name one?
- Stalin quote “Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who controls it and at whom it is aimed”
- Misdirection leads people to vote away their liberties
Comes from both ends:
- It is nice to think that politicians are to blame
- It is also up to us, who we vote for and what we allow?
- Notice that by the time you hear about a law, it is already too late
- To what extent do new driving laws relate to impairment of driving and not straight forward punishment?
Another thing barely reported on
- Have you heard about the government in Darwin and their social credit score system?
- We did an episode a while back on the social credit score – link is here
- How is this possible?
- Branded as the “smart city”
- What type of activity will sound an alarm?
- How should we react to this new level of control?
- How the Chinese Communist party rolls out infrastructure and software abroad
- Any Australian governing body implementing totalitarian social control is a major concern
Moral of the story, regardless of how it is positioned, don’t give up freedoms or the luck of being born into a society with a lot of potential
But what if the news doesn’t want to inform us?
Monetary side messing with the economy and the lack of information around this from the media. The need to sensationalise everything for revenue instead of informing people of current affairs
Next episode: How a few individuals around the world control all of the economies at the top level due to the supply of money
Thanks for listening, if you want to get in contact you can do so here.