Welcome to Finance and Fury, the Furious Friday edition.
- Last week – went through the rise in billionaires in favour of additional socialist policies – went through why I think this is the case – I think that most of the billionaire class are in favour of calling for socialism due to it giving governments more control over the economy – and hence increases their political influence over the economy to benefit themselves
- Not true socialism – but a socialism lite version to help create additional barries to entry and to help monopolies the markets further
- More political power – greater ability for lobbyist to influence policy at the state and federal levels – hence additional benefits for the companies that they control through gaining additional corporate welfare
- Plus – the policies that will be recommended in the form of what those on the left want – like additional taxes will unlikely affect them – at least proportionately when compared to others –
- Taxes – they can move their wealth (or move away themselves) or employ tax minimisation strategies – like charities that their own relatives are the leaders of – to amas tax free wealth that gives out the minimum 1% requirement – so they appear to be philanthropic and get to save tax – win win – even paying out 10% is better than the standard company tax rate
- In todays episode – want to look at another potential benefit for the billionaires who are pushing for socialism and have the power the flow of democracy into this way of thinking – whether it be political or informational influence – through the owners of the platforms like Amazon, FB, Google (youtube)
- And why they are in favour of concepts like UBI as this will also benefit their companies
The first step – killing the competition –
- Through having additional taxes and regulations on businesses you can kill the competition
- You can see many billionaires talking about how they think companies and the wealthy should pay more tax
- But they never put their hand up to actually pay it – they could if they wanted to – but why don’t they? It is rhetoric – to get good PR at the least and at the most – have a greater burden on those these taxes will actually hit – the millionaire class and or the upper middle class
- That is where these regulations normally land – in the business world this is on the SME disproportionately when compared to massive multi-billion or companies worth over a trillion dollars
- The greater the level of state control – the harder it is for new up and coming businesses to be competition to those already established
- Plus – those that do pose a threat can be bought up – even though it might go against any anti-trust regulations – as a massive conglomerate company you can buy up any companies that are competition
- Can provide the political funding to have bling eye turned away from these laws and the effects
- But killing the competition starts to deteriorate the economy over time –
- With this – comes lowering employment opportunities – due to less companies – and people have less income – to spend on businesses
- Comes greater rates of poverty and the blame for economic woes gets placed at the feet of the free market – not the regulations that create the issues –
- The greater the power centralised entities have over any economy – in other words the more control they have – the worse the economic conditions for the population – this can come from Governments or companies –
- So the economy gets messed up – the younger generations get born into an economy that blames capitalism – they see economic inequality as the cause and not as a symptom – even through our economies are some of the more free economically in the world and with it higher level of living standards – so they look for policies that have been implemented in some countries and that have resulted in the deterioration of economies to be become some of the worst in the world
- The pipe dreams that this time it will be different never lose their appeal
- Younger people who use products of billionaires – they can also ironically like socialism – even though they consume like capitalists – just because people are telling them they can consume more through getting free money from the Government
- So you have this weird sort of bedfellows – younger people and billionaires together – both loving the concept of UBI
- there are any number of reasons for this – covered on Weds the concept of technological unemployment – this has been a big driver for things like UBI – particularly by the CEOs/owners of some companies that are those responsible for getting on the bandwagon of automation –
- look at any massive company – Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Google – all on the forefront of removing humans from the working force – Amazon with drones to deliver, apple with robots for automation, google with self driving cars or their subsidiaries like Boston dynamics working on humanoid robotics – list goes on –
- as I went through on Weds – this is a natural cycle of creative destruction in any economy – but I am not in favour of is the thought that humans should be then delegated to a couch and given a UBI
- Of course, people would love free money – if someone says they are going to pay you $1k p.m. with no strings attached it is hard to say no – unless you can see the potential for ruin that may bring to society
- But why would billionaires want UBI – $12k to them is the equivalent of a nice dinner
- Well – I think they are pushing for things like Universal Basic Income – and for concepts like MMT to fund it – for their own benefit – as some of that money that is given to the population is likely to end up in their own pockets – in the form of additional revenues to their companies that provide the goods or services that people will buy
- The whole concept of UBI for economic growth relies on demand side economics – the basis of this is that the population will use the money that is given to them and turn around and purchase goods within the economy
- Who will be providing the lion share of these goods and services? At an aggregate level especially – the local corner store – or Apple with new iphone sales or Amazon with people spending their UBI funds on things that around going to be delivered to their doors?
- Well – I think they are pushing for things like Universal Basic Income – and for concepts like MMT to fund it – for their own benefit – as some of that money that is given to the population is likely to end up in their own pockets – in the form of additional revenues to their companies that provide the goods or services that people will buy
- You can see many billionaires talking about how they think companies and the wealthy should pay more tax
- The notion of demand side economics does actually increase economic growth – in the form of wealth for these companies – at a disproportionate rate
- It may materialise into economic growth – but over time it technically wont be growth – the concept of growth is that $1 turns into $2 through economic interactions – the concept of demand side economics through government models is you borrow $1 and you hope to get more out of it – but this is very hard to observe and with the level of debt around at the moment – theorised to be a diminishing marginal return – where $1 borrowed is about $0.9 of economic growth
- But this doesn’t matter to the billionaires – $1 borrowed by a government – or created under a world with MMT then does create economic growth to their own pockets
- This is due to if individuals do have more money – in the form of helicopter money – where may they spend it? With these large companies – if all smaller business are shut down or go out of business – then all that is left is Amazon, or apple – where people will spend their incomes from UBI – so this benefits their wealth long term as well
- But on top of this – it means they can get away with paying people less in wages –
- Companies like Walmart and Amazon have around 10% of their employees still on Federal assistance – like food stamps – so you could pay your workers $12k less p.a. if the Government is covering the bill
- It isn’t like you are going to be paying much in the way of tax – with corporate welfare – and tax minimisation strategies
- Once the governments has the legislative power to fund the population in their spending – and that spending is disproportionately spent with the people who support UBI – this is a major benefit to these companies
- There is also another potential side benefit – What happens if there is runaway inflation?
- Well – tangible assets soar –land and property, resources/commodities and shares
- What do the billionaire class own? Lots of physical assets – Land, gold, art, resources like timber and mining companies or transportation like railroads – as well as shares – all the tangible assets that will maintain or increase their value in runaway inflation
- So, their wealth can increase further – if interest rates need to increase to combat this – many billionaires personally don’t have the need for a lot of debt – unlike the average person now to buy the average home
- That is where the form of Socialism being called for is equally beneficial to the billionaires – they won’t lose their companies as the means of production like in real socialism – but instead benefit from it massively – to live parasitically off the government – which is actually fairly socialist – but the issue with this for us long term is that it gives rise for a form of neo feudalism
- Billionaires already live a form of neo feudalism – they live separately – in their own form of private communities with private services and security
- Examples of living standards – Dichotomy between areas that billionaires live – In the USA – the concentration is in very left leaning districts – but at the same time have the greatest level of inequality due to policies
- A lot are tech billionaires live in the San Francisco Bay Area – contains four of the ten most expensive counties in the United States – the decriminalisation of may crimes – last year saw Prop 47 – theft under $950 is a misdemeanour – non-arrestable offence that police no longer respond to – I watched a docu-series where they went around interviewing local business owners – some areas shop owners would have 2-3 thefts a day – losing thousands of dollars each day – again small businesses – even a police officer had their phone stolen from their car – didn’t bother reporting it –
- However – some certain post codes – those with the politically powerful and ultra-wealthy have hired their own private police forces and sanitation workers and anything that the government used to provide
- Economic policies that lean on the ideals of socialism will increase the speed at which neo feudalism can manifest –
- As the state borrows endless trillions to send every household $1,000 a month – if this borrow to spend – demand side policy pushes inflation higher – this means that it will strip away the purchasing power of the individual and with it how far a household’s income can stretch
- As has been seen – a $1,000 in UBI free money could turn into only buying $800 worth of goods and services in a few years, then $500, then in a decade that $1,000 may only be worth $300 in real terms – Then due to the cost of living going up – people and billionaires alike will cry for more money – and the UBI will need to go to $3,300
- With this – will be the cries for additional taxes as well – to help fund the UBI policy – whether it gets implemented is one thing – but even if it does – good PR and medias lack of reporting of real issues will lay the blame elsewhere will create a situation where things like a wealth tax can be implemented – but again – this won’t touch the intended victims – the billionaires – they will avoid the tax and instead – it will end up hitting professionals and entrepreneurs, not the billionaires
- As the state borrows endless trillions to send every household $1,000 a month – if this borrow to spend – demand side policy pushes inflation higher – this means that it will strip away the purchasing power of the individual and with it how far a household’s income can stretch
The issue with this style of policy – and billionaire support for socialism –
- Eventually the entire house of cards collapses– the economy crumbles and the reliance on governments intensifies – as the opportunities for jobs are destroyed around the way – except for the monopolistic companies which now have greater control over the economy through their market share and political influence –
- With this – they can continue to replace the structure that actually changes the way wealth was created for them and the pathways to ownership of capital – through the free market –
- the system that is ideal for them to create is a form of neo feudalism that will increase any existing inequality
- The concepts of MMT and socialism lite are just what billionaires really want – it will provide trillions to corrupt insiders through corporate welfare – in the form of industry giveaways with subsidies and carbon credits, etc. – provide additional incomes to the consumers of their products – and the negative effects of additional taxes will be escaped
- Moral of the story – don’t fall for the trap of listening to billionaires when it comes to thinking socialism and policies like UBI are needed in the economy
- Keep working and building your own forms of wealth – don’t get tricked by the PR campaigns
Thank you for listening to today’s episode. If you want to get in contact you can do so here: http://financeandfury.com.au/contact/