Hi and welcome to Finance and Fury.

Just a quick announcement today.

Only going to be doing Finance and Fury Monday episodes for the rest of the year. There is a lot going on with work and life in general and I just need to cut back a bit on the episodes.

Had to make a decision on which episodes to cut out, so will still be doing the Monday episodes focusing on personal finance.

If you send a question through – might not be answered for a little while

Just wanted to let you know

Speak to you next week for the Monday episode.

A simple way to outperform the market – follow the Fed!

Welcome to Finance and Fury. This episode – be looking at one of the simplest ways to potentially generate alpha and outperform the broader market It’s been a decade since financial markets have become increasingly centrally-planned by central banks and with this -...

Can shares be leveraged as part of a property purchase?

Welcome to Finance and Fury, The Say What Wednesday Edition I would like to start by saying a big thank you for the knowledge you have passed onto myself and the community. My question lies around equity, if you have a considerable amount of money in shares, say 200k,...

What are the pricing and redemption risks of Managed Funds versus Listed Investment companies?

Welcome to FF – SWW- answer questions from each of you – this week from Sebastian   Hey Louis. I've been thinking about the pro's and con's of Managed Funds vs LICs/LITs. It occurs to me that one of the main disadvantages of managed funds is their open-ended...

What creates a lack of resilience in financial markets and how a loss of resilience makes them prone for a collapse?

Welcome to Finance and Fury,  For the past few Monday episodes been talking about complexity theory and markets – check out Last two eps – went through phase transition, feedback loops and how markets become fragile and some signs this is happening Most recent...

Understanding currency markets and exchange rates

Welcome to Finance and Fury. I’ve seen news about the AUD being at a 15-month high Today – wanted to do an episode on exchange rates and look at some of the fundamental driving factors in the price movements – next week put this together and look at the current trend...

Can you own your personal place of residence inside of a family trust?

Welcome to Finance and Fury, the Say What Wednesday edition, every week answering your questions. This week we answer Stephen’s question: “Hi Louis, I saw an article about purchasing a home inside of a family trust for asset protection. I’m just wondering if you have...

The superannuation changes coming to an account near you.

Welcome to Finance and Fury. In this episode – want to look at the proposals for the superannuation industry overhaul – released in the latest budget – as there are some pretty big changes – In the budget – the super system is likely to be in for a shake up due to the...

Say What Wednesdays: What’s an Education Fund and what are the tax benefits?

Say What Wednesdays What's an Education Fund and what are the tax benefits? Welcome to Say What Wednesday! This week the question comes from Sean, "You spoke about Education Funds in a recent episode, I’m just wondering if you can explain this further?" In this...

Cash rates decline – but will your mortgage repayments? As your savings rates certainly will!

Welcome to FF – RBA cash Rates are lower now – talk about flow on effects Today – Will you get mortgage cuts, how your savings will be affected, effects on the job market and wages.   Mortgage cuts Don’t expect the banks to pass on the Reserve Bank’s rate cuts in...

How to avoid financial distractions and hack spending habits.

Welcome to Finance and Fury, I hope you are all going well. Today we will be going through how to avoid financial distractions. This episode is a little bit of a follow up from the previous - as one of the comments I made was a little oversimplified – that was that if...

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