Hi and welcome to Finance and Fury.

Just a quick announcement today.

Only going to be doing Finance and Fury Monday episodes for the rest of the year. There is a lot going on with work and life in general and I just need to cut back a bit on the episodes.

Had to make a decision on which episodes to cut out, so will still be doing the Monday episodes focusing on personal finance.

If you send a question through – might not be answered for a little while

Just wanted to let you know

Speak to you next week for the Monday episode.

How to start taking investment actions today for a better you tomorrow.

Welcome to Finance and Fury. What is important when it comes to investing? Or which is the more important – what you know or what you do? Sometimes the more you know – the harder it is to invest – information overload – can be a curse of knowledge – if you knew...

El Salvador and Bitcoin – a match made in heaven?

Welcome to Finance and Fury. This episode we will continue to look at what is happening in crypto markets. After last episode, we are starting a bit of a mini-series on crypto and digital currencies. This wasn’t originally intended but I have been doing more of a deep...

Furious Friday: Are we destroying our own economy?

Welcome Finance and Fury the Furious Friday edition, and welcome to part 2 of talking about the risks and the future of our economy In the last episode, we covered the future of our economy In this episode, we will explore economic subversion and internal reliance...

What are the investment opportunities that come from the ageing population trend?

Welcome to Finance and Fury, the Say What Wednesday edition. This week’s question is from Shaf – “I would like to get your opinion/analysis on Australia’s ageing population, and investment opportunities that are linked to this segment of the market. For example,...

Is it time to jump into or get out of the tech bandwagon?

Welcome to Finance and Fury. A lot of people may be feeling regret right now - regret for not holding technology shares like Afterpay – it is up around 850% from the low in March Was not buying tech shares a bad decision? And is there potential from here? Look at this...

Say What Wednesdays: Swiping left and swiping right – living in a cashless society

Say What Wednesdays Swiping left and swiping right - living in a cashless society Welcome to Say What Wednesday! Today’s question comes from Katherine. “I heard a story on Hack the other day about Sweden becoming a cashless society – Can you explain this further? Is...

Don’t forget about Inflation! How it can either be your best friend if you have debt, or your worst enemy if you are building wealth

Welcome to Finance and Fury,  Inflation and interest rate – real rates RBA update – Inflation and interest rates RBA - cash rate unchanged at 1% - following two consecutive rate cuts – past ep, talked about loans and property pieces Today – Look at the hidden wealth...

What affects demand and prices of property in Australia?

Welcome to Finance and Fury. In this week’s episode, we will be looking at the demand for property in Australia. If you haven’t listened to last week’s episode – it may be worthwhile – discussed supply of property in Australia – this week we will be focusing on demand...

Beyond monetary policy, what policy changes can be made to help improve economic conditions?

Welcome to Finance and Fury, the Furious Friday edition. Last Furious Friday episode – started on a thought experiment – looking at the reversal of the trends in Monetary policy - who knows if these would work and make for a better economy – these were: Separate...

Is there any proof that having more millionaires per person is better for the poor?

Welcome to Finance and Fury, The Say What Wednesday edition. Where every week we answer your questions. Question from Anton - In your recent podcast you mention countries that have more millionaires and billionaires have more gdp and a higher quality of life. I am...

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