Hi and welcome to Finance and Fury.

Just a quick announcement today.

Only going to be doing Finance and Fury Monday episodes for the rest of the year. There is a lot going on with work and life in general and I just need to cut back a bit on the episodes.

Had to make a decision on which episodes to cut out, so will still be doing the Monday episodes focusing on personal finance.

If you send a question through – might not be answered for a little while

Just wanted to let you know

Speak to you next week for the Monday episode.

What is momentum investing and can this be the best investment strategy in a world where fundamentals mean little?

Welcome to Finance and Fury. This episode is about what is momentum investing and can this be the best investment strategy in a world where fundamentals mean nothing?   Over the past few years – value managers – or those that try to estimate the fair value of a...

How do I start my journey to financial independence?

Welcome to Finance and Fury, The Say What Wednesday Edition Series to cover a number of questions asked – FAQ on stages of life Hard to get through all questions – from questions compiled – put together run through of steps Go through 3 or 4 – stages of life – cover...

Death and taxes, or taxed to death?

Welcome to Finance and Fury A plan for structural reforms to help increase Australians’ ability for upward mobility. The coalition will likely have enough seats to squeeze through a lot of reforms. Today: Income axes going up aren’t much of a concern What about the...

From trading cows to ones and zeros, Pablo Escobar’s money eating rats, and how our money is all debt based currency

Hi everyone and welcome to Finance and Fury! Today we’re going to look at our current monetary system; what is considered money, and also the future of our monetary system. Today’s episode will be a fairly quick episode, and will be an introduction to a series of...

My thoughts on cryptocurrencies: the ups and downs of an unregulated market.

Welcome to Finance and Fury. This episode we will look at crypto markets as there is a fair amount of noise being generated in this space at the moment. Just a heads up that this will be a bit of a longer episode as there is a lot to unpack. I have made my position on...

Say What Wednesday: Makin’ coin flippin’ houses

Welcome to Finance & Fury’s Say What Wednesday Today’s question is from Lucas, “Hey guess, just wondering if you think that flipping houses is a good strategy? Can you really make a living flipping houses?” Good question! Flipping houses has become very popular...

Are the risks from investments in structured products worth their potential returns?

Welcome to Finance and Fury, the Say What Wednesday edition. This week the question comes from Mina. “I would love to get your view on Structured products like the ones being offered by sequoia. Is the risk worth the return?” Great question – thanks Mina - this...

How do I make an Investment Strategy?

Welcome to Finance and Fury, today’s episode is a flow on from last Monday’s Investment philosophy episode and narrow down into an Investment Strategy. To invest properly, your investment beliefs need to expand into a strategy, an implementation plan. So Today: Expand...

Alternative solutions to inflation

Welcome to Finance and Fury Inflation is all the rage at the moment – and policy makers are increasing interest rates in am aim to reduce this – but are there any other ways to solve this problem beyond rate hikes? This episode is mostly theoretical – as I don’t...

Is it a good time to invest? How to overcome investment uncertainty and start investing

Welcome to Finance and Fury. Things seem to be calming down – markets have recovered somewhat – the US election volatility has been minimal – may see some short-term movements this week This episode – How to overcome investment uncertainty and start investing! The...

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