Welcome to Finance and Fury, the Furious Friday edition.
This episode is a little different – it is some of my commentary about the political division that is starting to emerge – especially in America – but also how to avoid it in your own lives and also prosper through it
- Populations being divided It is a natural part of any cycle – and in a pretty natural occurrence in the world at large – there is nothing new to people thinking differently – but to what degree and the degree to which this gets played out in society in a physical manifestation does differ
- Covered cycles in the Fourth Turning episode as well as the K-wave theory episodes – and the political spectrum of society works in similar cycles – its almost like it is interwoven between the seems of each generational turning – going back to the 1920-30 – things were pretty crazy – then calmed down – before picking back up
- Started to see the emergence of everything in modern society being politicised – from race, sex, economics – even a virus
- Very useful from a politician’s point of view as it is a natural progression for them to pander to a base – as the population becomes more divided – you shore up more of your voting base – picking sides if you will
- So politicians have nothing to actually incentivise them to focus on a reduction in the escalation of the tensions in the population – if anything – many would prefer to increase tensions – especially in the US where voting is not mandatory – you need to energize your base to get out and vote for you – nothing will energize someone like an us versus them mentality –
- But we see a lot of what happens in the US – so this mentality spreads here as well
- Look at the basic psychology of any cult – or cult like group – the first major step is painting a picture of an enemy – whether it be real or imagined – a group soon falls apart without this core aspect – hence division is important – for a cult it means that people will remain within the group and be afraid of those outside the group
- So politicians have nothing to actually incentivise them to focus on a reduction in the escalation of the tensions in the population – if anything – many would prefer to increase tensions – especially in the US where voting is not mandatory – you need to energize your base to get out and vote for you – nothing will energize someone like an us versus them mentality –
- But does it actually help us as a population?
- If anything – and what is fairly evident – it polarises us – divided us – and pits neighbour against neighbour – so in sort it doesn’t
- When everything that people pay attention to is politicised – or everything reported on in the media is politicised – is it any wonder that there is political division and hence division in the population – whether it is by design or just an acceleration of a political cycle doesn’t matter – it has the same outcome – that groups of the population are at one another’s throats
- Yuri Bezmenov – talks about subversion – KGB defector – the easiest way to destroy a country is not through military force – you let the country destroy itself – political subversion takes a generation or two – but through making people divided in a nation – through removing any long-term goals and focusing on one social issue after another – can easily have a country implode
- Hence someone’s political leanings and with – their outlook on life can create a further division – especially in a society which is meant to pride itself on differences – such as multi-culturalism which would naturally bring with it differences
- I don’t know how many people have seen the irony here – the fact that we can all look different – but don’t you dare think anything different from one another otherwise you are the enemy – complete inversion
- The idea that if someone has a different idea about how something should be done is an enemy to the point that violence is the best response is ludicrous
- But all of this stems from a deeper root – if there is anything emotional running through society which can be used for political gain – it will be
- Emotions are a very strong tool to control people – as you don’t need to actually do anything to control them on an ongoing basis
- You just instil an emotion and then train the response – pavlovian style – in a classical conditioning sense
- We are visual creatures – monkey see monkey do – if we see others acting in one way – we are influenced by this behaviour – especially in mobs – or what we see on a screen
I view politics today as the wings of a bird – whether it be the left or right wing – they are still part of the same bird –
- This analogy flows through to the entity known as the Government – think of the government as the bird
- And it either uses its wings to flap one direction or the other – this is a major issue of the two party system – create an us versus them mentality – without realising that no matter which wing we flock to – the bird is still flying higher – whilst our car windows get their splatter
- Further divides in goals and outcomes that society can agree upon –
- Especially when everything being focused on is in the short term
- One thing that China has going for it at the Government level – 100 year plans – can afford to do this as they know that the same party is likely to still be in power – hence why they have been able to economically beat most nations –
- Not saying this is a good thing – as any government that has absolute control is an awful system
- But when western Governments and societies are become more totalitarian in nature – if you have one with a plan compared to one without – well the one without will likely fall behind the former
- But a government with a plan can be a dangerous thing – depending on how much power it has –
- If the people have the power and a plan for betterment – and the government helps the people form their own goals and plans at the individual level and follow through on these through allowing the equality of opportunity – society can flourish and grow
- But in the name of being progressive – people are tearing down communities at the moment – rioting and destroying the communities that they live in – based upon the perception that there is a lack of opportunity
- But when society is divided by the politicians that are meant to rule – we end up eating ourselves – like the ouroboros – snake eating its own tail
- But like the ouroboros – it represents the cyclical nature of the environment – and over time – like any cycle – the division between society occurs in trends –
- Think about todays compared to the 1930s in most parts of the world – politically – things were pretty similar –
- Political ideologies stemming into violence on the streets
- In Australia we have been fairly immune to most of the political violence when compared to what those in the US are facing
- But the danger is being so wound up in politics that affects your outlook on society – that is your perception in reality can be changed – when compared to any fact or dialectic discourse – if individuals are based on the emotional representation on what the media is portraying – it can warp perceptions –
- The danger is treating perception as reality – which is what actually occurs for most people – to the point where reality is warped in order to make it comply with their pseudo-reality that they see through a TV or phone screen – rather than their own two eyes in their daily lives
- That is where our brains have the impossible task of distinguishing between what we see in person or on a screen – and with the ability to either manipulate what is seen through a screen – or show every occurrence of an event so our availability heuristics kick in and we think it is much more likely to occur in our daily lives – the perception takes over
- Hence this partisanship untethers the mind from objective reality – partisanship enslaves the rational mind, forcing it to create an alternative reality to justify one’s actions – be it shouting down someone as to not hear an opposing view or knocking them out to avoid those uncomfortable truths
- The danger is treating perception as reality – which is what actually occurs for most people – to the point where reality is warped in order to make it comply with their pseudo-reality that they see through a TV or phone screen – rather than their own two eyes in their daily lives
- This partisan reality is so powerful it blocks out anything that contradicts or disconfirms the alternative reality.
- Seeing the emergence of political murder – wont see the media reporting on this – but in the US there have been occurrences where a disagreement quickly moves to murder – or even someone wearing a trump hat – because in the individuals mind – they have created a reality in which anyone showing a sign of the triggers to their perception of reality – if they have their own firm convictions – killing someone else is acting in self-defence and in fact, they have to kill their opponents for the good of society – as they must be a Nazi – even with no evidence
- The emotional level of drive – the division between groups – nothing can be achieved in this manner –
- And as the saying goes – when words fail – the only recourse left is violence
- This is a shame – in a civil society – words and the freedom of speech is the most important facets –
- However when words are now seen as hate – when a logical argument or individual opinion can be quickly shot down with cries of sexist, racist, misogynist, or any platitude – the logical debate no longer exists –
- Sunlight is the best disinfectant – in society to be able to say anything and then be corrected based around the dialectic in a public forum of debate – that has been how society as a whole has been able to progress through its thinking
- But when the minority has the strongest voice and the silent majority just wants to avoid the ire of the vocal minority – the public discourse of what is seen starts to close – hence perceptions change
- And as overtons window starts to close – the very topic of discussing police brutality is too much – it has to exist and if you don’t think it does – you need to be brutalised in return –
- At the moment – in Aus – plenty of videos going around especially from Melbourne that depict police brutality – they are doing their jobs – financial incentives are in play – they don’t wont to be fired and lose their incomes from not carrying these tasks out – so this cycle continues –
- But that is another trap – further division – as it is fear on both sides –
- Either fear that the stasi will come and kick your door down
- Fear by those carrying this out – that the population will turn on them – such as enforcement agencies such as the police
- Fear – it is a powerful tool – especially the fear of death – but people forget that beyond self inflicted deaths such as obesity – governments have been responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths in the past 100 years – but yet the cries for governments to take additional controls to solve our mortality issues grows even more
I try to look at the facts and evidence of the situation – I’m not perfect – can easily get things wrong – but I try to not base anything on a partisan or emotional response – through an us versus them mentality
- But once fear has a grip on someone’s mind – any amount of evidence is hard to get them to change their minds
- Hence – if emotion is the root of the argument – and emotional arguments is no way to base a decision for the whole of society –
- Mainly due to emotions being a very powerful way to persuade – hence they can easily be manipulated and controlled – Especially without people knowing it
- fear and with it anger can be used as a major tool in politics – I have been swept up into it in the past – fearing another party will come into power drives a motivation to vote – or being angry at events playing out – hence why the majority of political ads are negative to the opposition – we all know the type – ‘this party wants to do this, they must be stopped’
- Why I no longer support an induvial party – to avoid getting wrapped up into this –
- Sure I have a preference – but that is based around policy – but this being said – it is taking the best of the worst – most policies I don’t agree with – but it is a sum of the good versus the bad – more or less a pros and cons list
- You need to put yourself in a position outside of fear or anger – Doesn’t mean I don’t vote – vote for who I think is best suited – but I no longer put my hopes in politics – I put my hopes in my community, my family and myself
- the emotional division created by the modern political environment and energy this drain – not good – we only have so much time and energy that can be given
- This doesn’t mean to not pay attention – being informed is important – but this can be a trap – as if your political information is coming from the media – this is a warping of perception
- Just not to get wrapped up in either fear or anger – paying attention to those emotions is important – know that you are experiencing them is the first step to controlling them
- but at the same time – some peoples lives are completely devoted to one political ideology
- to move above this – I try to aim my life in a direction where it doesn’t matter – to become self-sufficient – to be financially independent as well as independent in life – with sources of power, food and water
- If I was on welfare and needed the Government – would matter more – I would be out there in the streets shouting the government needs more power to fight the wealthy and provide additional welfare to myself
- Aim to have your life outside of politics – I view politics as reality TV now – about as scripted and as trashy
- The way the media covers it now seems the exact same as any episode of any trash TV – very little facts and cherry picked/edited to the point of purveying the point of view that they want – not the actual information
- But this creates a situation with limited real information to base reality upon – and most of what people consume on TV is not reality – but our brains have a very hard time distinguishing this – so even a false reality becomes real in our subconscious
- TV – Social media and the news – compare what you see here to your day to day lives –
- Pay more attention to the day to day – not what you see on a screen – if you are feeling overwhelmed – switch the screens off
- The major question we face in this current turning of the cycle is whether it is possible to maintain a civil society with an abundance of political division and the increased number of people embracing an alternative reality – based around the perception being fed to them through a screen –
- We’re being overrun by simulacrum – image or representation of something
- But once you realise this – you can start moving above it – and moving back to what is important in your own lives – focusing energy on your own community – helping your family, friends, neighbours and walking away from the system itself – as your build towards your own independence – building financial independence and being above the political division
Thank you for listening to today’s episode. If you want to get in contact you can do so here: http://financeandfury.com.au/contact/