Hi Everyone, and Welcome to Finance and Fury, the Say What Wednesday edition.

Today we have a question from Daniel:

The question is around cryptocurrency; Daniel has come across a fascinating crypto called Liven. The business model seems really sound, with the consumer being rewarded (in liven coins) for dining are participating restaurants. I wanted to get your thoughts on this.

I pretty much agree with Daniel on cryptocurrency, I don’t see it as a long term investment.

In today’s episode we address:

  • Cryptocurrency and what changes the price?
  • What is the future of prices for crypto?
  • What is Liven? Who are the users and market participants?
  • How does it work? What are the risks for individuals? What are the risks for businesses?
  • Why don’t governments like cryptocurrency?
  • What are the main problems for Liven?

Thanks for listening to today’s episode, and thank you, Daniel, for the question.

If you have any questions or want to get in touch, you can do so at our contact page here.


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