Finance & Fury Podcast

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Building Wealth & Investing

Is this another recession that we have to have?

Welcome to Finance and Fury. Are we in for another recession that we had to have? With Governments increasing interest rates to combat inflation, are we on schedule to repeat 1990s This term dates back to November of 1990 under which Paul Keating made a remark in...

Finance & Economics

The bane of economic growth

Welcome to Finance and Fury. Everyone is talking about bad economic conditions at the moment and bear markets – but what is the cause? Slowing economic growth and a lack of recovery, higher inflation has many different causes that have piled up over the years – but at...

What goes up, must….crash?

Welcome to Finance and Fury. Are we in for another black swan event in the coming months? I think that it is fairly obvious to everyone that we are currently in the midst of a bear market. In one major way, a bear market was expected at some point – but the timing of...

What is the biggest mistake the average investor makes?

Welcome to Finance and Fury. In this episode – we will be looking at the most important mistake to avoid when it comes to investing – and that is chasing returns This is where, in some instances, following the trend doesn’t work – as we will go through, in many cases...


Should Central Banks be tasked with housing affordability?

Welcome to Finance and Fury. Firstly, sorry for the delay in episode, been over a week now – daughter was born last week, so been pretty busy helping care for her and trying to find a time to record in between work – should be back to normal from next week Interesting...

How to use your own home as part of a wealth accumulation strategy.

Welcome to Finance and Fury. This episode will be about using your own home as part of a wealth accumulation strategy Some strategies that I plan to do First – what is a home – a lifestyle asset – is still technically an asset as it has a value – as long as someone...


What allocation has the most consistent returns?

Welcome to Finance and Fury. Sorry for the sporadic episodes – flat out with EOFY - In this episode we look at different asset allocations and how they have performed over time in relation to their returns as well as their risk – with a final focus on their risk...

The evolution of share markets

Welcome to Finance and Fury. This episode will be a little lighter than normal – as we will be looking at the history of share markets – focusing on the ASX, to look at how we ended up with the system we currently have? Also be looking at the makeup of the ASX 100...

Is the economy back to the 1970s?

Welcome to Finance and Fury. In this episode, we will be looking at the economy of the 1970s – looking at the share market correction that occurred and what contributed to this – the aim of this episode is to see if will we experience the same sort of market...

Superannuation & Retirement

Say What Wednesdays: High Roller; Start Investing with $1,000

Say What Wednesdays High Roller; Start Investing with $1,000 Welcome to Finance & Fury, the Say What Wednesday edition, where we answer your personal finance questions each week. Today’s question comes from Tara; “Hi Finance & Fury, love the show! I was...

Politics, Psychology and your money

Financial Bubbles and the lessons they have to teach

Welcome to Finance and Fury, The Furious Friday Edition This week – see what lessons can be learned from - Last week - Story of Financial alchemy in its early days with the SSC bubble Been many bubbles since then – The Markets have a Cycle to them History of the last...

How does corporate debt fuel market bubbles?

Welcome to Finance and Fury, The Furious Friday Edition Today – want to look at how much Corporate debt has been fuelling the top end of the share markets growth – signs that if liquidity is withdrawn, companies and markets collapse   Last FF ep – went through...


Say What Wednesdays: Shorten Vs Morrison

Say What Wednesdays Shorten vs Morrison Government "Spending" Everything is portrayed as a ‘cost’, which is ironic. “Costs” from the Government’s perspective is simply NOT charging you tax. Not taking all income earned is a trillion-dollar cost to them.  ...

Debt and Cash Flow

The magic trick to paying off a mortgage in a shorter time frame

Episode 24 The magic trick to paying off a mortgage in a shorter time frame In this episode we discuss the magic trick to paying off a mortgage in a shorter time frame, to save thousands in interest costs. The trick is that there is no magic trick - plain and simple....

Furious Fridays: Are low interest rates actually a good thing?

Furious Friday Are low interest rates actually a good thing? For the last few weeks we have been talking a lot about the economy; the Reserve Bank, printing money, and now we will be finishing off by talking about the final effect of this – Interest Rates. Today, we...

Welfare & Social Security

Should I invest in large, mid or small cap shares?

Welcome to Finance and Fury. Where to invest within the share market? Large, mid or small cap? What is best? The answer to this is highly dependant on what types of returns you need – and your timeframes The content of this episode is general information only – Not...

Economics of population growth

Welcome to Finance and Fury. Economics of population and their output. In today’s episode, we will be looking at how population growth affects economic output – along with what is the optimal solution to population growth and economic output depending on the...

Will the market crash in 2023?

Welcome to Finance and Fury. Will the market crash in 2023? Interesting question – one that many people have answered. Every year - Ipsos asked more than 24,000 citizens of 36 countries to reflect on the year gone by and also make some predictions for the year ahead –...

Technology & New Ideas

Financial Bubbles and the lessons they have to teach

Welcome to Finance and Fury, The Furious Friday Edition This week – see what lessons can be learned from - Last week - Story of Financial alchemy in its early days with the SSC bubble Been many bubbles since then – The Markets have a Cycle to them History of the last...

What does Central Bank issued cryptocurrency look like?

Welcome to Finance and Fury, the Furious Friday Edition Welcome to FF FF – Hasn’t been a FF in a while – but last was running through Crypto markets in relation to the BIS and powers that be Today – Want to cover the potential of what central banks using crypto and by...

The Intro Eps

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