Creating financial freedom, Economics 101, Furious Friday, Political economics, Psychology
Furious Fridays Austrian Economics and why ‘group think’ is the most dangerous thing threatening your financial freedom In today’s Furious Friday episode, we’re going to talk about one of the most dangerous things threatening our financial freedom – the...
Creating financial freedom, Finance, Furious Friday, Podcast, Political economics, Psychology
Furious Friday Could gender pay gap regulations hurt women more than help them? Welcome to Finance & Fury, the Furious Friday edition. Today’s episode is all about the drive to equality. A recent proposal by the Labour Government is to force equality through...
Creating financial freedom, Finance, Investing, Podcast, Psychology
Episode 30 Take control of your money – nobody else is going to do it for you Welcome to Finance & Fury! On today’s episode we take look at the best ways to secure your financial future I’m going to share the rules I follow – And how to not be a victim It...
Finance, Furious Friday, Property, Psychology
Furious Fridays Did you hear?! The property market is going to drop by 45%!! Oh no! Welcome to Furious Friday! Today, we’re looking at a recent 60 Minutes segment ‘Bricks and Slaughter’, which aired on Sunday and sensationalised Australia’s property market. The...
Economics 101, Furious Friday, Horrors and history of Communism, Podcast, Political economics, Psychology
Furious Fridays The price of free is freedom: Taking a look at Lenin’s reign of terror Today we’re going to run through the very first implementation of Communism on a mass scale. Our last few Furious Friday episodes are a lead up to this. If you didn’t catch...
Creating financial freedom, Economics 101, Furious Friday, Horrors and history of Communism, Podcast, Political economics, Psychology
Furious Friday The Devil giveth and the Devil taketh away Welcome to Finance and Fury! If you haven’t listened to last Friday’s episode go check it out, it’s a prelude to this episode. Today we are going to discuss the founder of Communism – Karl Marx, along with his...