Analysing Government Policies, Furious Friday, Podcast, Technology and the future of finance
Welcome to Finance and Fury, the Furious Friday edition. In this episode we will look at the concept of a one world currency and if one single currency could actually work for the world? There has been an increased level of discussion around this topic over the past...
Debt Management, Finance, Furious Friday, Lending and Banks, Personal Finance, Podcast
Welcome to Finance and Fury, the Furious Friday edition. In this episode – we will be going through the potential changes to the current Responsible lending laws that may occur next year – as these laws will either be watered down or completely removed – As it...
Economics 101, Furious Friday, Podcast, Think for yourself
Welcome to Finance and Fury, the Furious Friday edition. In this episode, I want to look at a core concept of economics – the need for monetisation/value of objects for them to exist – that is – that profits are a factor that help to maximise most outcomes in society...
Analysing Government Policies, Economics 101, Furious Friday, Podcast, Political sociology, Technology and the future of finance
Welcome to Finance and Fury, the Furious Friday edition. Two weeks ago on Furious Friday, we went through an intro to the great reset. This episode we will look further into this topic, at some of the proposals and break these down further. I managed to talk to...
Furious Friday, Podcast, Political economics, Political sociology, Technology and the future of finance
Welcome to Finance and Fury, the Furious Friday edition. I hope you are all going well. This episode is all about “the great reset”. It sounds like some weird, out there agenda, but it is carried out by some of the most influential organisations on earth. I want to...