Welcome to Finance and Fury, the Furious Friday edition. I hope you are all going well.

This episode is all about “the great reset”.

It sounds like some weird, out there agenda, but it is carried out by some of the most influential organisations on earth. I want to look at this further and explain what the plan for the great reset is.

  1. Now – The Great Rest is the theme of the upcoming World Economic Forums 50th Annual event in January 2021
    1. From reading the initial proposals – it seems like a pretty radical plan to completely re-work the mechanics of the entire global economy
    2. It is such an extensive agenda – it would have taken years to actually put together – a lot of this ties into the SGD with the UNS agenda 2030 – covered these in length in the past –
    3. but the great resets proposals surprisingly tie into the economic shutdowns of 2020 due to Covid
      1. Not the overall plan – the plan really has little to do with COVID19 – but it is being used as the justification as why it is urgently needed
      2. Klaus Schwab the founder and executive chairman of the WEF – “The pandemic represents a rare narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world” – come back to this point in a minute
    4. The WEF is not alone in wanting to reset the global economy – they are working with the UN, International banks and partners of the WEF – being the global industrial and technology giants
      1. The World Economic Forum’s ‘Strategic Partners’ are its top-tier group of 100 global organisations – This group includes major global banks such as Barclays, Bank of America, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley and Standard Chartered Bank – goes without say that this group yields immense financial power
      2. Their partners also include major technology and communications companies such as Huawei, Publicis – the oldest and one of the largest marketing and communications companies in the world, Omnicom – another massive global marketing, public relations and communications companies – then you have other players such as Microsoft, Google, Facebook
      3. This is an important point to ponder on – why would the WEF have strategic partners involved in the flow of information and spinning information through public relations/advertising?
        1. Between Google (and YouTube) and Facebook – this is how 85% of the world’s population get their information/news
        2. Then they are enlisting the help of the biggest communications and marketing companies in the world (Publicis and Omnicom) – to help provide the spin on the information about the agenda. Why?
  • It seems like the teams are in place – with their strategic partners to help with the financial side as well as the PR/information dissemination
  1. How do they actually want to reset the economy? This is where things get a little murky – they have no defined plans about how – but simply what – this is always a concerning point –
    1. How is the most important factor – what is simple – you can have the what to be that there is greater equality – but if the how is to make every equal in having nothing – then this isn’t a good outcome
    2. But it seems like their aims are to band together to create the new normal that we are hearing about – a world that works as they plan it to work
      1. Statement from the WEF – the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism.
    3. So it is a movement to reform capitalism and as previously mentioned – These are not the ramblings of teenagers – but some of the most powerful and influential think tanks on earth – with companies that control almost all of the information flow of earth
    4. And in essence – they are calling for what could be best described as a form of new corporate Marxist principles – having governments and entities like the UN to team up with already powerful companies to enact the change that they think we need – based around centrally planned ideologies
      1. They are claiming that capitalism has empirically failed – due to inequalities – but in my opinion – it technically has but due to the evolvement in the market by these very entities – through over regulating and creating barries to entry and an environment where to get to the top as a company – you need politicians and corporate welfare
      2. That is where there is a distinction between a free market and capitalism – capitalism in its current form has failed – but that is not at the feet of the free market – but a subverted market that turned into a form of crony capitalism
    5. But their ideas to reform capitalism by returning towards a planned economy is likely to exacerbate the current problems the world economy faces –
      1. A planned economy is a type of economic system where investment, production and the allocation of capital goods take place according to economy-wide economic plans and production plans
      2. This form of economy uses centralized, or Soviet-type forms of economic planning – very similar to how the monetary system works with central banks – but the idea is to expand this further throughout the economy
    6. Klaus Schwab – the chairman of the WEF – has been called “indisputably the most powerful connector in the world” by Forbes – it is true – he is an influential man and writes a lot of books – one of which was published this year at the start of July – titled Covid-19: The Great Reset – so he is pushing this agenda hard
      1. It is a 282 page book – that was published 3-4 months after it became apparent that Governments were going to shut the world down – remember that March was when lock downs around most of the western world were enforced and the economic woes started to set in
      2. For anyone familiar with the process – takes between 9 months to 2 years to go through publishers to get a book published in the traditional sense –
      3. Self-publishing – assuming the book is ready to go with all the writing completed – takes about 3 months – so I guess he is just a really quick writer –
    7. On top of this – he has dedicated a large portion of the official WEF website to such articles such as – “Does capitalism need some Marxism to survive the Fourth Industrial Revolution?”
      • This is an incredibly surprising revelation from someone like Schwab – who is the head of what is called “the greatest independent economic organisation” to push for a return of the deadliest social experiments of the 20th century – implementing Marxist ideologies
  1. Klaus said – “There are many reasons to pursue a Great Reset, but the most urgent is COVID-19” They have also said: “the current conditions will exacerbate the climate and social crises that were already underway. Left unaddressed, these crises, together with COVID-19, will deepen and leave the world even less sustainable, less equal, and more fragile. Incremental measures and ad hocfixes will not suffice to prevent this scenario. We must build entirely new foundations for our economic and social systems. The level of cooperation and ambition this implies is unprecedented. But it is not some impossible dream. In fact, one silver lining of the pandemic is that it has shown how quickly we can make radical changes to our lifestyles. Almost instantly, the crisis forced businesses and individuals to abandon practices long claimed to be essential, from frequent air travel to working in an office. Likewise, populations have overwhelmingly shown a willingness to make sacrifices for the sake of health. Clearly, the will to build a better society does exist. We must use it to secure the Great Reset that we so badly need. That will require stronger and more effective governments, though this does not imply an ideological push for bigger ones. And it will demand private-sector engagement every step of the way.”
  2. So this seems like the opportunistic time to push through any agenda whilst the population is malleable
  1. But it is in your best interest – like the lock downs – because Schwab promises a new world. A better world. A fairer world.
  2. And what evidence does Schwab present to support his new world order? As Klaus has said – “Capitalism as we know it needs to be reformed. The growing discontent at the ideology that has created so much wealth and progress on the one hand, and yet so much inequality and instability on the other hand, and is causing increasingly frequent social disruptions across the world. The COVID-19 crisis has laid bare most of these dysfunctions, ranging from uneven access to healthcare, education, economic opportunities, and social progress, to growing inequality among and within nations and racial and ethnic groups. At the centre of these multiple crises lies the tension between privilege and meritocracy.”
  3. There’s a lot to unpack with this statement – but it seems truly tone-deaf to the average individual’s plight – but the underlying theme to most of his writings on the subject relates to the existence of inequality being evidence that capitalism has failed – and that the government imposed shutdowns for sectors of the economy are just are further evidence of this
    1. It is of course true to that a free market will create inequality due to the concept of freedom – free to choose what jobs people pursue, how they spend or save their money, what they invest in – with this comes inequality
    2. But to the extent the current form of corporate capitalism creates inequality – is that you can do very well for yourself – but to become part of the 0.0001% or the elite billionaire class – you need help from the government – but that isn’t the focus of the great reset – It is to further reform the free market to be more capitalistic in the sense that we know it – more government controls as well as corporate control
  • Even calling capitalism an ideology shows the true intent – if he were referring to free markets – that isn’t an ideology – that is a natural economic function – the most natural without interventions – referring to economic systems as ideologies reminds me of the ideologically possessed individuals in favour of Command Economic Systems – or planned economies – as they only work as an ideology in theory – and comes back to the argument that true communism or Marxism has never been tried – the ideology is still there as the practical implementation can be ignored
  1. You see – Mao and Stalin, they were not true Marxists. Hitler was not a true socialist – Whilst people today can say that these individuals didn’t have the best intentions – in their own minds they probably thought that they did – reading some of their own translated works – their own first-hand accounts of their ideologies – they thought that they were doing what was best for their own countries – and for the greater good – two of them wanted to reform the greedy capitalist systems as they saw them – the other wanted to create a clean pure world
    1. They all had a plan in their own minds that they could centrally plan millions of individuals lives for a better world for the greater good – and that their own forms of utopia is possible – so they set out to create this – with an iron rod in all cases – and we know that their intentions created a hell on earth for those under them
    2. But this time – with the brilliant minds of modern-day academics – Utopia is indeed possible
    3. I still don’t know why these global “leaders” are so in favour of implementing failed economic policies –
      1. It may be that they know these policies they suggest won’t touch them but in fact benefit them – similar to the episodes on why billionaires like socialism – these policies solidify these individuals into further power – over the economy and you and I – with our daily interaction – and with this – they can increase their influence, power and wealth
    4. That is the major concerning factor for someone like myself – is that it appears that these organisations, between global semi-governmental bodies, global companies that control the flow of inflation and the PR that goes along with this – they intend to impose their agendas on us – without any democratic consent – and without any system of accountability in place to ensure that it actually serves the interest of the people it is meant to help – sounds very similar to the authoritarian dictators of the centrally planned regimes that went so poorly for the population
      1. It is a disturbing trend that is always present in any unaccountable entity – if something goes wrong – typically doesn’t affect the individuals at the top of the political hierarchy but it sure does affect everyone else lower down in the pyramid – and when things go wrong for the general population – the blame is focused elsewhere – it is capitalisms fault, or some section of the populations fault – like the bourgeoise’s fault – which in Russia ended up being the land owning farmers
        1. Whenever politicians or officials outside of the democratic process stuff up – what is done? Blame is passed down the chain – where nobody knows who made the decision – such as with the Victorian government – where nobody seems to know why made the decision to use private security firms for hotel quarantines
      2. Or – take monetary officials or economists who come up with these ideas for politicians to enforce
    5. Lets call them the intellectual class – thomas sowell booked – intellectuals and society – does a great breakdown of this – would recommend it – but goes through that the people who comes up with policy ideas – are never held to account
    6. When they get things wrong – they are actually often rewarded by lush academic careers – so they benefit from bad ideas whilst the general population suffers
      1. So us plebeians will bear the brunt of these policies – which at my initial assessment are not in our best interests – but rather they serve the interests of the already wealthy and politically powerful – where they have the most to gain
      2. How? Well the power is gained by them – and the economic policies of re-distributions also disproportionately affect them
      3. How do governments benefit your own life? They want to the population to give them the power to better your lives – it sounds good – but it is a pipe dream
      4. Governments cant build wealth for you – they can only redistribute or get into debt to try and stimulate an economy – but it isn’t real wealth building
    7. But the WEF seems set on this idea – and with the combination of enormous financial power, skilled persuasion capabilities and control of the communications infrastructure at their disposal – WEF has huge power to mould, influence and control events – while shaping public opinion
    8. Next FF – we will look at the three main pillars for the great reset – and break these down as well as their implications

Thank you for listening to today’s episode. If you want to get in contact you can do so here: http://financeandfury.com.au/contact/


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