Welcome to Finance and Fury

  1. Everyone has heard of more money, more problems – it is a bit of a contradictory statement
  2. It is false as money can cover bills and be used in emergencies
  3. It is true as not valuing money can lead to problems

How to value money?

  • What is conspicuous consumption?
  • Why does this occur?
  • The display of economic power is a means of their social status
  • What is Affluenza?
  • What did Oliver James say?
  • What does it matter if someone has more stuff than you?
  • Seeing wealthy individuals online can help contribute to the affluenza problem

Where it comes from?

  • Marketing triggers your spending habits
  • What does wealth really look like?
  • Societies can remove the negative consumerist effects
  • Price versus value
  • What leads to overconsumption?
  • What creates a society of individualistic consumers?

What are downshifting spending habits?

  • The realignment of spending priorities
  • Identify the need for an alternative political philosophy
  • What are the long-term effects of downshifting?

What are the elements that help?

  • Regaining control of your finances
  • What is the endowment effect?
  • Putting a premium on your spending habits helps you to downshift
  • What is the opportunity cost of parting with your money?

Start by looking at timeframes:

  • Short, medium and long term
  • What can you do right now?
  • Get disciplined, pay yourself first (check out the calculator), the hard truth
  • How stressful would it be to get to 65 years old and not have enough to retire?
  • If you planned ahead, these stresses could have been avoided


  • Know that most of what you see on social media is a lie
  • Don’t try to live up to anyone else
  • Know the value versus the price

Thank you for listening, if you want to get in contact you can do so here


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