Welcome to Finance and Fury the Say What Wednesday edition.

Today we are continuing on from last week’s episode about climate change, so if you haven’t heard it, check out last week’s episode here.

Today I will run through the Paris Climate Agreement, and their proposed solutions.

How is policy made?

  • What are second-order consequences?
  • An example is capping electricity prices – what’s the first consequence? The second? The third?
  • It sounds a bit far-fetched, but it happens a lot when prices are capped
  • The outcome was the opposite of the original intended policy
  • This is what is dangerous about government policy – check out the episode on positive rights here

Making changes in a complex system:

  • What you get may be the opposite of what you want
  • What are the aims of the UNFCCC Paris Climate change agreement?
  • Reducing the increase in temperature
  • Link to the UNFCCC Paris Climate Change agreement
  • Lots of bazaar language
  • What is a climate fund?
  • What is the financial target?
  • What is the Green Climate Fund?
  • What are the accredited entities?
  • This sounds innocent, but what is it really doing?
  • Who are in the committees?

What is it at the core?

  • How will countries manage their CO2 reduction?
  • What are the solutions for developing nations?

There are so many first-order consequences

  • Finance transfers – might lead to more CO2
  • France is the model country – one of the few developed countries with reliance on renewable energy
  • Why is their electricity price so expensive?
  • Why is there so much civil dispute in France?
  • How are countries going to afford the Paris Climate Agreement?
  • What is greenwashing? What happens with this?

Australian Emission reduction target

  • 50% reduction per person
  • This target doesn’t penalise heavy polluters
  • What is the impact on the average Australian worker?
  • Solutions shouldn’t be to put a financial strain on the population
  • How can thorium reactor technology help?
  • What is cleaner than nuclear power?
  • How does it compare to solar panels?
  • We need more power capacity

Thanks for listening. If you want to get in contact you can do so here.


Climate accord – https://unfccc.int/files/meetings/paris_nov_2015/application/pdf/paris_agreement_english_.pdf

 Workbooks – https://financeandfury.com.au/resources/


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