What are Commonwealth unfunded superannuation liabilities and who do these benefit?
Welcome to Finance and Fury, the Say What Wednesday edition. This week’s question comes from Douglas: “Long time listener of your Podcast and it has great insights and thought-provoking ideas. Can you dive deeper in to who are the beneficiaries of the Future Fund from...
read moreThe future landscape of your superannuation accounts and the rise of the “megafunds”
Welcome to Finance and Fury. The future landscape of superannuation – the rise of megafunds through compelled mergers Numerous bodies, including regulators and government, have been keen for superannuation funds to merge The merging of several larger superannuation...
read moreIs the ETF GEAR a good opportunity for long term growth and dividends?
Welcome to Finance and Fury, the Say What Wednesday Edition. This weeks question comes from Gab. “I had a question regarding a leveraged ETF from Betashares called GEAR. It is designed to offer around 2:1 exposure to the ASX 200, with 0.8% management cost. Looking at...
read moreWhat types of superannuation accounts allow you to control your investments?
Welcome to Finance and Fury, the Say What Wednesday edition. This week, the question comes from Andrew: "Last episode you mentioned super and a product that lets you invest in third party platforms. Would like to hear more about that." What is super? Most people think...
read moreThe personal financial pitfalls from stimulus measures
Welcome to Finance and Fury – Today we'll be looking at some of the pitfalls of the recent financial measures to combat the economic fallout that is going on Two major ones when it comes to the personal side of this- Money out of super – Easing the rules of...
read moreAre superannuation funds in danger?
Welcome to Finance and Fury, the Furious Friday edition. Today – want to run through what is happening within the industry superannuation environment – not looking good With the market crash – cracks in the financial system are starting to appear – with almost no...
read moreLearn Finance Online Personal Finance Course
It has never been easier to be financially wealthy, but at the same time, it has become incredibly complicated. The game has changed, but we can show you how to play.
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