Business, Finance, Furious Friday, Investing, Podcast, Political economics, Risk, Series, Think for yourself
Welcome to Finance and Fury, The Furious Friday Edition Today – want to look at how much Corporate debt has been fuelling the top end of the share markets growth – signs that if liquidity is withdrawn, companies and markets collapse Last FF ep – went through...
Business, Finance, Furious Friday, Podcast, Series, Technology and the future of finance, Think for yourself
Welcome to Finance and Fury, the Furious Friday Edition Welcome to FF FF – Hasn’t been a FF in a while – but last was running through Crypto markets in relation to the BIS and powers that be Today – Want to cover the potential of what central banks using crypto and by...
Analysing Government Policies, Business, Finance, Podcast, Technology and the future of finance, Think for yourself
Welcome to Finance and Fury In today’s episode, I thought it was important to cover Currency Bill – Might have seen in the news – headlines about the $10k transaction – Currency (Restrictions on the Use of Cash) Bill 2019 – what we are talking about – had...
Business, Finance, Podcast, Say What Wednesdays, Series
Welcome to Finance and Fury, The say What Wednesday edition where we answer your questions, and sometimes questions from people from the gym – such as today Is this a scam – moneysmart have a page on this – which is good resource – give a quick summary of this – but...
Budgeting and Cashflow, Business, Podcast, Series
Hi Guys and welcome to Finance and Fury’s ‘Say What Wednesday’ Episode. Today we’re joined again by Nick. Our question today comes from Justin who asks, “Our building company recently went through issues with its cashflow, so as directors we halved our wages to help…I...