Hi Guys, and Welcome to Finance and Fury. Today I have Jayden with me for part 2 in the Mini-Series on the best investments for 2019

Last Monday we went through Shares, and whether it is a good idea to invest in 2019.

Today we will look at investing in property in 2019

On today’s agenda we have:

  • Firstly, what constitutes a bubble, based around historical price rises and income ratios?
  • Also, if you can’t afford a property, how do you access property this year?
  • And then, if you can afford a property, where do you go to invest?
  • And finally, what is going to cause the property market to go up this year? And what’s going to cause it to go down?

Along the way we guide you through the options of what you could be doing within property.

In conclusion, property is a long term game. There is plenty of opportunity if you know where to look.  

If you would like to ask a question or get in touch you can reach out through the contact page here.

Charts and tables discussed today:

The State of Property around the world:

Years to Save a 20% deposit:

Where to look for direct property in 2019:

Chinese property investment in Australia:


Herron Todd Property Reports

Herron Todd Property Clock

Michael Matusik – Where units and houses are sitting



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