Welcome to Finance and Fury, the Furious Friday edition

This is a continuation from this week’s Say What Wednesday episode, in part one on Who to vote for? Check it out here.

Part 1:

  • Political culture
  • Tribalism
  • 3 main parties policies and promises


  • How to tell the difference between promises and policies?
  • Break down how votes tend to end up with 2 parties

How to tell a promise from a policy?

  • Every promise focuses only on the outcome
  • Look at if the policy proposal is stating an outcome versus how it will be done
  • Example: “Uni should be free” – how is this achieved?
  • The breakdown is the difference between dialectic and rhetoric
    • Rhetoric – language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect, but which is often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content.
    • Dialectic – discourse between two or more people holding different points of view about a subject but wishing to establish the truth through reasoned arguments – but truth requires facts/information
  • Social media and the spread of disinformation makes rhetorical very powerful
  • Look at the Russian collusion of the election in the US
  • Scott Morison targeted by social media accounts affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party
  • Comedy is used as a subversive tactic

Subversive tactics are used to pass policies with positive rights:

  • Previous episode on positive rights
  • Negative rights make it illegal to do something to you, positive rights make it legal to force you to do something
  • Healthcare as an example: Nobody can stop you from seeking medical treatment vs medical treatment is covered by the taxpayers. Someone is forced to pay for it, falling into the positive right territory.
  • Rhetorical statements get used in regards to something being free or human rights
  • Labor website
  • Liberal website
  • One relies on policies and the other relies on rhetorical statements
  • The how or focus to achieve an outcome is very important

What are the polls saying?

  • Polling in Australia is more accurate, as it is compulsory to vote
  • Current polls suggest Labor will win, but now not so much
  • But what about the Primary Vote? Why can a party with more votes end up losing?

Preferential voting:

  • Does your vote count?
  • What you think about your vote is important
  • The number of formal votes a party needs is 50% +
  • 2 systems of preferential voting
  • House of representatives – box with a number in order of preference
  • Senate – above the line and below the line voting
    • Above the line: preference a party
    • Below the line: number all individual candidates
  • How does preferential voting work?
  • The full distribution of preferences is used to calculate the two-party-preferred statistics
  • Your vote isn’t wasted

How do we vote for our PM?

  • We don’t, we vote for a member of a party and they chose the PM


  • Break down of messaging used in campaigns
  • Evoking emotional responses versus focusing on outcomes
  • Every vote is important and does actually count

Thanks for listening, if you have any questions you can ask them here. 

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