Welcome to Finance and Fury, The Furious Friday edition. 

Episode 2 in this larger series –

The last episode – Talked about historical events – resulted from people acting out their conspiracy – act of making plans with a counterparty to commit an unlawful or harmful act – if it would be a crime to do, known as a criminal conspiracy –

  1. Conspiracy = Planning to commit a crime in most cases – but people who today are pointing out historical evidence surrounding events are now labelled a ‘conspiracy theorist’ based around what is outside of the consensus –
    1. Some might call that curious – doesn’t mean that they are correct – but interested enough to gather their own information and see what is there – and does it stack up to what other sources have said?
  2. This is where the media is damaging – not only polarising but it creates two different realities for people
    1. People act based around what they believe to be true – from heuristics, learning, history, etc.
    2. Use CNN and Fox as examples, or Sky vs ABC in Aus – both have their readers/viewers – team blue and team red
    3. Have different information presented across channels – channels caught framing shots/faking stories – fake reality
    4. You create division between the masses – I think that the vast majority of people are good and want the best – but there are always some psycho mass murderers or UN co-founding members, like Stalin.
  3. Brings into the question of truth – don’t want to create any mental breakdowns, crisis of consensus – but how do you know what you know to be true?
  4. Team blue v red – both play opposite stories – so people believe different things about same events
    1. I know that this is the case when it comes to the UN – a lot of people like what the UN is trying to achieve
      1. Have people who disagree on the methods, or that there is even a problem to solve in the first place
      2. How well can people work together when they don’t trust other people, based around what other people believe is true – truth and trust
    2. Justice system – blind justice or Lady Justice – comes from the Greek mythology – Dike and Themis, then Lusitania from Romans – never got why someone whose job it was is to weigh up the scale of justice was blindfolded – did some digging – Romans weren’t that dumb, only added first time in Switzerland in 1543 – used a mockery of the legal system where the rich got away – took off I guess – but we are all told she has a blindfold to be impartial – impossible to do if you are blind to everything going on – just don’t be a bigot
  5. Here we enter labels and tribal nature of people – can be blinding – tribal nature of just doing what is implied by the tribe
    1. Those who like the UN – Call those that don’t Conspiracy theorists, get called globalists or rubes back, others just walk away
    2. Labels and language can be very deceptive – Ended the last ep talking about UNESCO –
    3. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization – our education system, ‘science’ and cultures have been influenced by the UN for 4 generations now
  6. Each of these will be broken down into an individual episode – help explain how two realities are created – statement v outcome
    1. Education, Science – Climate Change – When did climate change become a thing?
    2. Culture – TV, music, language, beliefs – how people are affected by information – and influenced
    3. All the information from this series will be directly from UN, Subs, or affiliate groups, WEF, IMF, WB, etc.

Keep this in mind whenever taking info in

First – These SDGs are anything new when it comes to the UN – Central planning isn’t great when it comes to achieving goals

  1. Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – principle that no one should suffer extreme poverty – started in 2000 – target date of 2015 – poverty not eliminated – has been a decline – in 1990 (the reference year for measuring improvement), the number of people living in extreme poverty has fallen by 33 percent from 1.9 billion to 836 million worldwide, with most of that progress coming after the MDGs entered into effect.
    1. But from world bank from 1820 – 94% in poverty to 24% in 1990 – to 10% approx. in 2015
    2. The world went through a massive shift in early 90s – Communism economics was failing – China and Russia
  2. The SDGs – started in 2015 – build on the MDGs’ – adding a new dimension: sustainability.


The sustainability dimension brings a universality across all areas of life that MDGs didn’t have – From WEF

  1. Developed countries are no longer just enablers of progress, earmarking a percentage of their GDP to support the efforts of developing countries to reduce poverty, improve health and raise living standards.
    1. Pause – developing countries (Aus, US, NZ, etc.) earmarking a percentage of GDP to develop other countries – not good enough, moving on:
  2. Instead, they must be committed and active participants in the effort to achieve the agreed goals, in some cases even modifying their own domestic policies. In this sense, the SDGs more clearly reflect the conviction, upheld by the UN, that all of us are global citizens.
  3. This conviction lies behind the establishment of international humanitarian law and the supranational courts that address violations of it. – Global laws to subvert a legal system of a nation –
  4. And it underpinned the adoption of the “responsibility to protect” principle, which demands that the international community defend a country’s people from mass-atrocity crimes when their own government fails to do so.
    1. Pause – Back to how do you know what you are seeing is true? You don’t live there, don’t know anyone – small little village in Syria the media reports of gas attacks – done by a country leader, criminal – so go to war –
      1. Recent history – 1990 – Nayirah stated that after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait she had witnessed Iraqi soldiers take babies out of incubators in a Kuwaiti hospital, take the incubators, and leave the babies to die – thankfully it was a total lie and she was reading a script from her father who was the Kuwait US ambassador –
      2. Played around the world – helped get people on the side of the Gulf War – US entered on Kuwait’s side was a war waged by coalition forces from 35 nations led by the United States against Iraq in response to Iraq’s invasion and annexation of Kuwait arising from oil pricing and production disputes.
    2. not adopting a human rights law of the UN would be a breach of international law = country gets bullied – called inhumane


So what exactly is on the SDG agenda?

Contains 17 goals — including ending poverty in all its forms, achieving food security, promoting sustainable agriculture, providing quality education to all, ensuring access to energy and clean water, and adopting urgent measures to combat climate change — backed by 169 targets.

Agenda 2030 was adopted at the 70th annual UN General Assembly 2015 – ushered in with a “thunderous standing ovation,” the UN Department of Public Information reported – Global PR firm – 193 UN member governments on the planet

  1. Lot of countries – Shows unity right? And all those 193 countries leaders have great track records – OECD, but also murderous communist and dictatorships — vowed to help impose the UN’s controversial goals on their populations – “This agenda promises a brave new world, a new world which we have to consciously construct, a new world that calls for the creation of a new global citizen,” dictator Robert Mugabe – was only in power 2 years after this – removed by military
    1. Venezuelan strongman Nicolas Maduro and other tyrants to impose the UN goals on their victims, too — all with financing from Western taxpayers.   
  2. China – the regime boasted it played a “crucial role” in developing the SDGs – good track record on policy
    1. China promised to spend $2 billion in foreign countries to meet the UN goals in “education” and “health,” with its funding increasing to $12 billion by 2030.
    2. EU and NATO globalist Javier Solana said, “With a sustained commitment from all countries, developed and developing alike, the world can ensure that it celebrates another great leap forward in 2030.”
    3. The last “Great Leap Forward,” presided over by Chairman Mao Tse-tung between 1958 and 1963, resulted in the murder of an estimated 45 million Chinese who were worked, starved, or beaten to death.
  3. Most Authoritarian countries will be able to enforce this – get loans from IMF – SDRs, financing, all the goods to fund it and hitting the targets through socialist policy – i.e. remove peoples choices – one by one remove all choice


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a collection of 17 global g by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 for the year 2030:

  1. No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Good Health and Well-being, Quality Education, Gender Equality
  2. Clean Water and Sanitation, Affordable and Clean Energy, Decent Work and Economic Growth
  3. Industry, Innovation, Infrastructure, Reducing Inequality, Sustainable Cities and Communities
  4. Responsible Consumption and Production, Climate Action, Life Below Water, Life On Land
  5. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, Partnerships for the Goals.


Areas to cover – While there are 17 goals – broken down into some marco groups

  1. The economy – circular economy, emission quotas, employment quotas, Food, water, nature
  2. Cities and transport – policies that focus on increasing development high-density residential units –banks and super funds own to hold as long-term rentals
    1. Someone has to provide demand – now large corporate landlord (LCL) – keep people renting as prices rise
  3. Energy and resource management
  4. People – This one where it all starts – people need to willingly want these policies – UN helps with this as well
    1. UNESCO – United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization – Dr. Julian Huxleyto Director-General
  5. Redefining value – start with this – all starts with this slowly over time – UNESCO has been doing this for years
  6. Partnership – Google- 98% of global search market – Decides what you see – team up with Governments for monopoly – mercantilism of the 21st century – digital mercantilism – Mercantilism led to the creation of monopolistic trading companies, such as the East India Company and the French East India Company
    1. Google Motto – don’t be evil – sounds like a good reminder – but takes a different view on tone – crazed killer repeating it walking the streets at night – cover this in the partnership episode – on which companies are backing this financially, and who is providing the policy advice
    2. Take it with a grain of salt – if you google something about A2030, or SDGs – you will get the positive spin – google won’t rat themselves out


Massive gaols – only way to make work is to force everyone to do it – and under the assumption of ‘ends justifying means’

Wish list – but we have been educated in a way where a list of goals is going to be the outcome –

  1. Works in our every day lives – set a goal to save money, so you do and you get your goal, buy a house, whatever – set goals that even if you might not achieve, others have –
  2. But that thought carries into that if something is too big to solve – you cant do it and must make the large governments do it – so a government comes up with their goal of ‘end poverty’ and project own experiences in achieving things and that it is just as simple – your part done, helped towards ending poverty?
  3. What I hope to do in this series is to help you to spot BS- reasoning – like the scam ep on weds


Ground rules for interpreting SDGs

  1. These SDGs are statements – they are not goals, but Faustian deals – deal with the devil – sell soul in return –
    1. Don’t see much in movies anymore – used to be part of the story arch = Joseph Campbell’s heroes journey
    2. You wish for a Ferrari – but the world runs out of petrol, a ton of money, that falls from sky and crushes you, irresistible to the opposite (or same) sex, but you end up being trapped inside as you get mobbed in public
    3. Doesn’t even have to be deals with the devil – many examples of changing things with good intentions, but making things worse
    4. But when it comes to the FD – the counterparty always has to inform you in the fine print of the downside to the deal – but the focus is on the ton of money – so forget to read that 1t of gold will be airdropped for delivery
  2. Why do these wishes turn out bad in most cases? Is it just the wording?
    1. Change wording slightly – ask for $1bn in your bank account to be added
    2. Wish to Win the lotto – probably be the safest wish – but who knows if it will improve your life, and not just wallet size
  3. What about if you just checked the fine print? Wish for what you want and just make sure no funny business?
    1. What if it is in Latin, or vague global legal speak – and you have 500,000 pages of fine print to go to – good luck
    2. To be honest – really hard to interpret most of the SDGs policy implementation recommendations
  4. One thing is clear – They are policing behaviour- not improving conditions through increasing freedom and prosperity –
    1. The only solution they have is to control the way we do things – what we buy, consume, energy used, etc.
    2. Once you go through every possible solution – only one is blanket control to meet goals
  5. Unlike previous goals which applied only to developing countries, the SDGs apply to all countries equally.
    1. means that Australia must find ways of aligning our domestic policies with the SDGs and set up systems and processes to coordinate action across all levels of government, as well as business and civil society.
    2. Australia’s region is home to many developing countries who continue to struggle with unacceptably high rates of poverty, violence, and instability.
      1. ‘As a technologically sophisticated, educated and compassionate nation, Australia’s task is not just to implement the SDGs for its own people, but to help achieve the SDGs for people across our region’


Risks – while ‘totally not binding’ – our politicians act like it is – mostly without public say, or if it is, the public are only saying yes from a documentary that they saw – Educated under the ‘global citizenship programs’ in schools – grade 8, 9, 10

Model of education is exactly the same as brainwashing – social pressure, repeat information over and over so at a young age kids are formed in world view – in line with the global good

UN – Agenda 2030 is a collection of initiatives – build policy to achieve targets – have member countries implement these – but need the public on their side – redefine values allows people to willingly adopt that which works against them

All starts with the people – cover people, culture and education to look at how programming and presentation of information has been weaponised before going into the specific areas

Just remember that news is not reality – really divisive  – open views and not go red v blue team

Binary thinking is a trap – black and white – if you aren’t for this you are against it – don’t agree you are my enemy

As when you are bombarded with information how you will burn alive if action isn’t taken, obviously those not wanting to take action are going to result in your own death, and must be removed to progress can be made

Thanks for listening, if you would like to get in contact with us you can at the contact page on the website

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