Say What Wednesdays

What advice would you give your 21-year-old self?

Today’s question is from Declan, “What advice would you give your 21-year-old self?”

To my 21-year-old self I would have the following advice:

  1. Life is a series of challenges, the more you solve the better your life becomes.
  2. Always continue learning – I thought after Uni I was done studying, but realised that the more you know the more you can solve.
    The more you learn the more you earn – By investing time and money to pick up new skills, you become a more valuable member of your company or organisation.
  3. Value my time more – Think of time as a compounding factor, like an investment – The more you can do earlier, the more the effort will compound over time.
    Plus, opportunity cost now can be represented by putting a dollar value to each hour of your time.
  4. Failure only means there is something else needed – The only shame in failing is if you give up. Failure comes from defectum in Latin, which translated in another way is deficiency. The word failure just means that something else is needing to be done to achieve you goal.

Is it still viable to set up an off shore investment company or have most of the advantages largely disappeared through inter-government transparency?

Welcome to Finance and Fury, the Saw What Wednesday edition, where every week we answer questions from each of you. This week’s question is from Adam: “Hi Louis - Really enjoy your podcasts.  Not sure if this is too outside of your comfort zone but I would be really...

How do you know if fixed rates are for you?

Welcome to Finance and Fury Today we have Jayden with us, and we will be talking about Interest rates. The first Tuesday of every month, the RBA releases the updates on the cash rate. The markets currently appear to be going down, and the cash rate reflects a negative...

What are the best methods of accessing gold and what are the opportunity costs to growth and income returns?

Welcome to Finance and Fury, the Say What Wednesday edition. This week’s question comes from Mario “Loving the podcast on the central banks. I have a question about purchasing gold as part of my investment strategy. My core investment strategy is to invest in high...

How to minimise market timing risk for your investment strategy.

Welcome to Finance and Fury. There are concerns at the moment when it comes to investing – and that is that markets are at their all-time highs – concerns aren’t that markets continue to go to new all-time highs, but that the market falls through in the short term –...

Fractal property investments: dipping your toe into the property market

Episode 19 Fractal property investments: dipping your toe into the property market It’s no secret that property is expensive in Australia – it can be pretty disheartening for those trying to get into the property market especially if you’re trying to buy your first...

Economic Robin Hoods – the 200-year-old economic theory providing the basis by which developed countries are used for GDP redistribution

Welcome to Finance and Fury, The Furious Friday edition Continuing SDGs – today we are covering Economics or SDG 8 First, look at the economics of the UN itself – something never talked about Who pays for the UN – Member states - A complex formula - US pays most at...

The 4 reasons when not to buy property

Welcome to Finance and Fury Today’s episode is with Jayden and we will be talking about why property might not work for you, or when you shouldn’t buy property. We have talked about using property to build long term wealth using leverage. However, there are some...

Are our Lithium companies at risk from South America?

Welcome to Finance and Fury, the Say What Wednesday Edition Today’s question from Zed “I recently noticed that Australia seems to be opening lots of lithium mines as the demand for Electric Vehicles rises and we turn away from oil. Is Australia at risk of their...

Furious Friday: What is the future of the Australian Economy?

Hi Guys, and Welcome to Finance and Fury, the Furious Friday edition. Today we are discussing the future of our economy. What is the future of the Australian Economy? Welcome Today’s episode is on the future of the Australian economy. In today’s episode we will cover...

What does your path to Financial Independence look like?

Welcome to Finance and Fury, The Say What Wednesday edition Today is a special episode – we have another resource available on our Resources Page... the Monthly Investment Targets Calculator  Question from Nick “I’m sure as a Financial Adviser you are quite aware of...

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