Say What Wednesdays

What’s an Education Fund and what are the tax benefits?

Welcome to Say What Wednesday!

This week the question comes from Sean, “You spoke about Education Funds in a recent episode, I’m just wondering if you can explain this further?”

In this episode we discuss

  • What Education Funds are,
  • The pros and cons of using Education Funds
  • When and how to use them

Is Gross Output (GO) going to replace Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and are there any problems with this?

Welcome to Finance and Fury, the Say What Wednesday edition. This week the question comes from Todd. “Hi Louis, I just saw Steve Forbes talking about how Gross Output (GO) is going to replace Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as a measure of how well the economy is going?...

What is considered poor in Australia and how to become truly rich?

Welcome to Finance and Fury. I recently was reading an ABC article about the latest earnings reports from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) – revealing the average income in Australia – now this average is probably a little higher than what most people would...

What will be the next market interventions from Central Banks to achieve inflation targets?

Welcome to Finance and Fury Talked about the inflation targets, interest rates and monetary policy over the past few weeks – Today – go further into looking at a completely controlled economy by Central Banks – To start – look back to an RBA paper from 1975 – this was...

Gender pay gap, porn, and becoming “in demand”

Episode 1 Gender pay gap, porn and becoming "in demand" Welcome to the first episode of Finance and Fury and today we're going to be setting the scene for the rest of the podcast. The whole podcast is about helping to solve misunderstandings… and one really big one is...

Say What Wednesday: Baby on Board! The Ultimate Guide to Maternity Leave

Welcome to Say What Wednesdays, where every week we answer questions from you guys, the listeners. This week the question comes from Mary; “Hey guys, love the show. Just wondering about what entitlements, I can receive if I go on maternity leave? I’m currently...

Rome wasn’t ruined in a day! What happens when the population becomes reliant on the government that has complete control over the currency?

I love history – valuable lessons. When looking at us to those in the past - Culturally we are different, but biologically we are not. If any one of us was put back in time to grow up in past civilisations, we would be no different to the local people in that time...

Bridges to nowhere – China’s debt problems

Welcome to Finance and Fury. In this episode we are going to look at the debt problems that China has – at the moment, economic news globally is going from bad to worse, with talks of recessions, high inflation, declining financial markets – but with all of this...

Furious Friday: Will the EU fall apart?

Furious Friday Will the EU fall apart? Welcome to Furious Friday where we look at misconceptions in the media about the economy There is a lot of talk about fears that the European Union (EU) will fall apart – That this will cause a financial crisis Will it? A lot of...

The evolution of share markets

Welcome to Finance and Fury. This episode will be a little lighter than normal – as we will be looking at the history of share markets – focusing on the ASX, to look at how we ended up with the system we currently have? Also be looking at the makeup of the ASX 100...

What does Central Bank issued cryptocurrency look like?

Welcome to Finance and Fury, the Furious Friday Edition Welcome to FF FF – Hasn’t been a FF in a while – but last was running through Crypto markets in relation to the BIS and powers that be Today – Want to cover the potential of what central banks using crypto and by...

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