Welcome to Finance and Fury, the Furious Friday edition
Going to run through the last part of the Lucky country – and that is how we can best turn our luck around
Through – innovation, freedom of choice, and ignoring narratives based on assumptions
Going to skip through Innovation and freedom of choice –to not repeat the same thing over and over – check out the other eps on this – links on the website – Quick summary of how they fit into todays topic though
- Growth through Innovation – these two-go hand in hand – Creating new businesses and technologies, products and services
- which drives innovation – profit incentive – Innovation efficiency is a market force
- Innovation is a chain – single inventor, drive to improve, idea used to make product, then others improve
- Without companies we never get tech improvements – Chain between Gov tech and population
- What accelerates this – Freedom of choice and equality of opportunity – After researching this for years – assume it to be correct – but others have different views based around their assumptions
- I also believe that freedom of choice extends to what we allow as a population – due to the decisions we make based on assumptions
- Taxation policy is based around assumptions – but regardless of low or high rates – collect average tax to GDP%
- But when the very assumptions that we are basing a decision off is incorrect – it isn’t surprising we don’t get the outcome expected
- which drives innovation – profit incentive – Innovation efficiency is a market force
What Today’s episode will cover – What we assume is good for us, or will work – may have the opposite effect
Also – how to know what we are told to assume is actually good for us
Assumptions and models
– Our lives are built on assumptions – heuristics – this is good, saves mental capacity for mundane tasks in decision making –
- System 1 and 2 – but something repeated enough moves from us thinking about it – to an automatic action
- I see this with investing all the time – If it is something I already own or understand well – investing becomes an automatic action – but if it is a fund I haven’t seen before, i wouldn’t just assume it is the same as all of the ones I currently hold
- If you are told something over and over again – you just assume it is true – repetition is a powerful tool
- Good and bad habits also form this way – if you hear the same thing over and over from different sources – must be true?
- Example – Who do you assume is smarter/provided greater benefit to our lives? Einstein or Tesla? Person – not company
- Based around assumptions – I’m assuming most of you have to stop and think about it for a second or have Einstein as a default answer – he is more commonly discussed/known – But I might be wrong – I am just assuming that based on personal experience, few people truly know the benefit to our lives Tesla provided
- Einstein was once asked how being the smartest man alive was – ‘I don’t know, you’ll have to ask Nikola Tesla’
- What did Tesla invent? Beyond the power in your home – 300 patents – a lot of them helped develop most tech we have
- First Electro-Magnetic motor patent in 1888 – Why Musk named the company after him
- Radio – Marconi credited – when asked ‘Marconi is a good fellow, let him continue, he is using 17 of my patents’
- What did Tesla invent? Beyond the power in your home – 300 patents – a lot of them helped develop most tech we have
- Wireless, remote control, Radar, Xrays, Hydroelectricity, the resonant frequency of earth – earthquake machine, speedometers or electricity frequency or flow meter
- The list goes on– but didn’t care about money or credit, gave what patents away worth billions back then
- we assume that he had nothing to do with it anything outside of electricity – was an obscure fellow who had some beef with Edison –
- Instead – developed free wireless electricity for public use – His backers weren’t happy – JP Morgan and Oilmen
- The only man that was willing to fund him was John Astor, who died on the Titanic, a boat the JP Morgan owned
- He ran out of funding – and was smeared by the press of the time to destroy his reputation so nobody would take him seriously – Story of him wanting to marry a Pidgeon – actually not true – I assumed it was as I read it online
- It was a dream he had – he became fascinated by them – can sense the resonant frequency of earth better than almost any animal – then he had a dream about one and was talking about that – fake news is nothing new – just thanks to the internet and phone cameras, it is hard to completely cover up the truth
- What did Einstein leave us? theories of relativity with little application outside of the metaphysical/purely theoretical
- Tesla quote – ‘Einstein’s relativity work is a magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king….its exponents are brilliant men but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists’.
- Moral of this story – Be aware of things that dazzle to blind – things that cannot be explained to you – too good to be true
- Don’t trust something that sounds too good to be true – promises and assumptions – political game used to win votes
This is where Narratives comes in
– Due to repetition and overexposure – these can become a commonly held assumption
- narrative or story is an account of a series of related events, experiences, or the like, whether true or fictitious
- has one purpose – to entertain through storytelling to entertain, motivate or educate
- The best narrative has all three – motivates people through educating them of something to fear – while being entertaining
- Built around distractions or to drive public opinion – which drives policy decision
Mediums which form narratives
- Television Programming – it is in the name – a very effective tool in the past – control the flow of information
- Remember The News isn’t responsible for providing you factual information – they are responsible to make a profit
- But that is through delivering stories to the public – like a lot of stories, they are based around real-world events
- Ignoring the accuracy of any CNN reporting – the coverage is negative of Trump – gives an image that they suffer under him
- But CNN – Admits that Trump getting elected was the best thing to ever happen to them – MSM dying – leaked recordings
- nobody watching except airports, nursing homes – Youtube news channels get more views than them –
- What gets people’s attention? Fear or scandal – why 92% of all coverage of Trump is negative – their viewers dropping under Obama to record lows – needed to up the scandal meter
- Problem with most of these stories? Conclusions are based around assumptions – or reading a headline
- What to do? – News websites are a great source of some current events occurring, but not what actually happened –
- But just know that most of what you read and see online – about our politicians –policy, climate change, everything being pushed is for a purpose – to make you click – it is what makes money – what makes people click?
- Doom and Gloom – but also – these companies track what people online are looking at and commenting on –
- Creates an echo chamber of information – room of people by lunch looking at what has the most amount of clicks
- No wonder we are nihilistic in the west –
- Doom and Gloom – but also – these companies track what people online are looking at and commenting on –
- Creates pessimism – unwillingness to move beyond the worst – why? Cause we can’t move beyond something if we can’t solve it, or take action to help mitigate the worst
- Example – what is more relevant to your life – that the Government has the power to seize your money to bail out a mess they helped create? Or the off chance that for the first time ever, predictions on Climate change will be even close to accurate and things get a little warmer over the next 100 years?
- Depends on what your assumptions about the world are – first – the Gov would never do that, latter – warmer earth is bad
- Looking back over records – 18000bc – average temp was 23 degrees – so about -4 from average over 50 years
- 12500 years ago – a spike in a hundred years of about 3 degrees – about -1 from a 50-year average
- 9500 bc – spike again – by about 3 degrees from where it was – then continued to go up
- 9000bc to 1500bc – temps were above or the same as now – were people dying? Or did agriculture get easier?
- From 1400bc up until last 100 years, went through a drop in average temps – decline in temps correlated with disease and famines in the colder parts of the world – like Europe
- There is little evidence that a warmer world is bad – especially compared to a colder earth –
- Why doesn’t the news cover long term trends of the Earth’s rotational axis –
- oscillates between 22.1 and 24.5 degrees on a 41,000-year cycle – by 2.4 degrees wobble – very slowly
- currently 23.44 degrees and decreasing at a rate of about 0.013° per century
- this model predicts that the long-term cooling trend that began some 6,000 years ago will continue for the next 23,000 years – Global temp peaked in 7500bc – stayed there for a while – but since 4000bc started dropping
- Imagine that you had been alive for 20000 years – seen all a lot of different earth climates – (link to graph on the website)
- Current models for temp increase have massive variances – error margins – 1 – 4.5 degrees increase in temperature
- How are they predicting this – when not even a 2-week forecast in temperature is accurate? Assume correct
- damaging thing to focus on – mostly outside of anyone’s control! made scared of the weather changing
- This can potentially be a damaging narrative – carbon is what is creating this right? Well we are carbon-based lifeforms – if people keep following that narrative once they implement all of their changes but it doesn’t help anything – they keep looking for more solutions – already are where celebrities are talking about how having less kids can help – while wanting more immigrations
- This sort of focus is based on one thing – Making people focus on the elements/topics that polarise– us versus them mentality
- So the narrative changes our interaction with each other – rather than accepting we have shared common goals, but different ways of achieving these – it is portrayed as if we don’t agree on how, you are against me and my enemy – Loss of freedom of speech –
- Introduces The assumption that someone is evil for not wanting to do the same thing as you
- Funny that the views of a lot of our grandfathers and great grandfathers would be called the Nazis they fought today
- Sleight of hand Government and media combined play– creates a concern to worry about and focus attention, resources on – then the population demand change – the government capitulates, or loses power
- While little attention is given to the things that will actually affect us day to day
- So the narrative changes our interaction with each other – rather than accepting we have shared common goals, but different ways of achieving these – it is portrayed as if we don’t agree on how, you are against me and my enemy – Loss of freedom of speech –
What to do
– What is the source of your assumptions – and the accuracy
- someone is telling you the truth is okay when they are
- Someone thinks they are telling you the truth – hit or miss
- Someone is telling you a half truth for a purpose – not great
- Stop assuming –
- this is the simplest thing that we can do as a society to help drive growth, innovation, basically a better future where we keep moving forwards – rather than backwards
- Don’t let overtons window close – While some ideas are awful – they shouldn’t be scielened from them –
- The Socratic method, also known as method of Elenchus, elenctic method, or Socratic debate, is a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue between individuals, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to draw out ideas and underlying presuppositions
- But when talking to the other side is demonised – as the attacks become personalised/polarised – triggers automatic hatred for the individual more than ideas
- Having emotional connection to politics – have to remove and focus on what you can do
Don’t let the media or politicians decide what you should think –
- Remember Media uses a lot of subconscious imagery as framing – is someone evil? Montage of threatening music and suggestive descriptions, mention someone else who is publicly hated
- Also – selective choice of what to publicise or broadcast/edit interviews – try to get a number of different sources on a story – but not all just from companies that use a copy paste template on each story
- Once the media have created a problem by incorrect assumptions and are found out – how much accountability is there – Can never admit that they are wrong – they just shift the narrative without any culpability for their actions
- And so that you don’t pick up on the fact that they are the most reliable for facts
- US (extension global) Media ran with a narrative that Trump (elected president) committed treason, working with Putin
- Trump took office and said Obama Administration, DOJ, authorised wire taps and survailce on Trump and staffers
- Called crazy, but turns out it was true – based on a manufactured report – approval given by DOJ
- Question – If there was evidence Trump was a spy/committing treason – Taps started well before he won the election
- Why wouldn’t anyone come forward with actual evidence
- Start letting what the media say fall on deaf ears – everyone is too worried about climate change as there is a report a day about it – then some major story once a month to peak interest again
- Think for yourself –
- Luck can be undone – get 21 in blackjack and ask to hit – you blew some luck
- We each got 21 living in this country – either born or moved here – don’t blow it
- Don’t just assume – assumptions are the mother of all F ups – if you are demanding for action/change – you better be able to teach the theory as to why and how it will help – instead – people assume what they are told will work
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Temperature graph