Hi Guys, and Welcome to Finance and Fury. Today we continue to talk about investing in yourself. Think about investing in anything, you’re doing something with the aim of gaining something out of it. This is why we went through the purpose and vision statement in the last episode.   How to invest in yourself? And, how can you love your current job more? My experience:
  • What did I start out with?
  • How did I find what I enjoyed?
  • How to learn on the job?
  • How to narrow down what you care about?
  • How to design your ideal career?
  • What is reasonable when planning your future?
  • Don’t confuse a job with a career. 
Your career:
  • What can you do to get more out of your job?
  • Treat your education as an investment in human capital
  • Using upward mobility factors
  • Making yourself more valuable to employers
  • Do you need to go back to university to improve your income potential?
  • Have you considered informal education pathways?
  • The more you learn the more you can earn
Looking to change career?
  • Thinking and knowing are different things
  • Using your purpose to find the right career
  • Narrow it down
The financial setbacks:
  • What are the opportunity costs? What are the total costs?
  • How to deal with income changes?
  • How long does it take?
  • Is it financially viable?
Ask yourself:
  • What are your options at this point?
  • What are the ways of achieving this?
  • How bad will it set you back financially?
Next episode we will be covering how to start your own business. Thank you for listening and if you have any questions let us know at the contact page here. Resources: AMP Education and innovation in Australia – https://www.natsem.canberra.edu.au/storage/AMP.NATSEM%2032%20Income%20and%20Wealth%20Report%20-%20Smart%20Australians.pdf                

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