Episode 14
Savvy Super: Tips on what you can do now with little effort or sacrifice to maximise your future
Have your Super set up – do yourself a favour!
- What will kill your retirement? Not looking at your super now.
- Would you trade 15 minutes now for $350,000 in 30 years?
- That is all this episode is, little things now for the future self – not hard, and your future self will thank you.
- Tips on what you can do now with little effort or sacrifice to maximise your future
What is super?
- Most people think of superannuation as just something your employer pays into, which you can’t access until you turn 60
- Even though your employer pays into super, that is your money! 9.50% on average
- Don’t care and why would you right? Out of sight, out of mind and decades away from becoming relevant.
- If you could log into your bank account and click a few buttons to save a few hundred dollars a year, would you?
- The real cost of super is opportunity cost – doing nothing now will hurt
- Any problem ignored long enough will grow – until it is too late
- Pay attention and make it work – don’t regret the future
- One thing I hear clients say all the time is ‘I should have looked at this years ago’ – regret is worse than the effort
Real use of super
- Forced savings – YOLO safety net.
- It allows me to diversify my investments and secure my future. My businesses can fail, go broke but at least by the time I am 60 I will have enough in my account to sustain myself for the rest of my life.
- Tax effective investment account – if you are investing for the long term, why not use?
- Same investment of 10% p.a.: Compounding returns of 8.5% p.a. vs 6.1% p.a.
- $20,000 over 30 years = $231,000 vs $118,000 – or almost double the money
What are your options:
Super is a vehicle to invest funds for retirement – A car is a vehicle
- You can get a Mazda, or Mercedes but the aim is to get you from point A to B!
- Like cars there are different types of super accounts with different features
- A Master Trust is a superannuation fund in which a large number of members deposit their money.
- The trustee of the Master Trust pools the money together and purchases interests in the underlying investments, typically managed funds.
- The value of the investments of each member incorporates the fees, franking credits and some taxes from the underlying investments.
WRAP account
- External super trustee but you have control over investment decisions
- You get a cash account
- Then you select third party investments – Managed funds, Direct Shares, LICs, ETFs
- Industry super funds are multi-employer funds (employer associations and unions)
- Investments – limited to around 10 multi-sector investment options (eg. Growth, Conservative, Balanced), limited insurance options
What to do to make sure you make the most out of it?
- Pay attention – get the right investments
- Cars: You can have a Ferrari but if the driver (investments inside the account) is awful, the car may crash! Not getting to point B!
- Make sure your contributions are going in there
- Treat it like your own, because it is – If you think you don’t have any investments, well you do in your super
- Managed funds are investments – just doesn’t look like it with industry funds
- Consolidate accounts
- Like a lot of people, I had different employers
- 4 super accounts v 1 account – Each costs $80, plus $300 in insurances ($380 total)
- $1,500 p.a. : $20,000 in super = 8% costs – good luck for investments to beat this
- Like a lot of people, I had different employers
- Check your costs – Some accounts are higher than overs (in the last Furious Friday ep)
- Admin fees: Standard is about $78 which is good for lower balances
- The platform I am with costs $175 p.a, but it’s worth it. Any managed fund I want, any direct shares (Australian or International).
- Investment fees (MER/ICR) – these can be hidden
- Recently industry funds went from very low to about 1% – Disclosure required
- The higher the MER – the lower the net returns depending on investment strategy
- Don’t get caught out.
- Admin fees: Standard is about $78 which is good for lower balances
- Insurances or not?
- What is your situation like?
- Do you have dependents and debts? Or are you paying for something you don’t need?
- If you are studying still, with many super accounts you are probably over insured!
- Don’t pay for things that you don’t need.
- If you are a professional – Chances are you are paying too much for the cover
- Standard Covers – Same premiums for all – Builders vs Accountant
- Premiums – statistical likelihood for claims
- Investments – Depends on the account.
Premix – Balanced for someone who has 30+ years might not be the best choice.- Higher levels of volatility can be good for regular contributions
- Example: 15 mins for $300k
- Earn $60k p.a. growing with 2.5% and starting super balance of $30,000
- In 30 years: Super earning 6% = $707k, or 8% = $1,060k
- Doesn’t have to be earnings but reduced insurance costs as well
- Contribute – Tax savings and asset gain
- Salary sacrifice when on a decent marginal tax rate – Earn $100k, each $100 you put in there is $60 less you have in pocket, but $85 more into your super account.
- Non-concessional – Lower MTR – Can get up to $500 from the government in government co-contributions (free money!)
What’s right for you?
- Type of account
- Retail – Lots of options
- Industry – low options, standard based on risk profiles
- Investment options
- Long term growth
- About to retire – protect your capital
- Boost your super
- Cut costs or consolidate
- Make effective contributions
Most important things – Pay attention
- Don’t regret the future wishing you had consolidated your super or reduced your costs 20 years from now.
- Doing the right things now means that your eventual retirement can be more financially secure!
Thanks for listening!